
398 8 4

Warnings: hooker

Words 1684

Edited: NedsActualBayou


All was quiet in Tyler Joseph's house, until the knock on the door, which he had been waiting for.

Upon opening it, he was greeted with the question from a woman, "you called for a hooker?" The question was followed up by a sweet small smile.

A wide grin took over his face, accompanied by his bright, brown eyes, and fluffy, messy hair. "Yes, I did!" He replied, ushering the stranger inside. He shut the door behind her.

"Okay, so you can take your time to get ready, I'll be in the bedroom." The woman, Y/N, said to Tyler as she turned to face him. Tyler, on the other hand, was busy digging through a closet looking for something.

"Wait, no," he said furrowing his brows. "Stay out here. We can play Uno." Tyler happily held up a deck of Uno cards held together by a thin rubber band.

Y/N blinked, feeling as if she's missed something, "I'm sorry... what?"

"You actually thought I brought you here for that?" Tyler asked, pointing to the direction of his bedroom. A noticeable hint of disgust was evident in his voice.

"Well, yeah" Y/N said with a small, disbelieving laugh. "That's usually what happens when someone calls for a hooker." She added. Tyler scoffed.

"Too bad. I'm Tyler. Now sit." He said. He sat on the floor himself, his legs criss-crossed.

Y/N rolled her eyes. "And I'm Y/N. Look, Tyler, this isn't really what I'm supposed to be doing here."

"Yes, I'm aware." Tyler said dryly. "Yet this is exactly what I payed for. Now sit." He repeated, patting the space on the floor across from him.

Finally, Y/N budged and sat down. Tyler picked up the cards and dealt.

"So, Ms. Y/N." He said as they began to play Uno. "What exactly made you say to yourself 'Hey, I want to be a hooker when I grow up!'?" He put down one of his Uno cards.

Y/N looked blankly at Tyler, shocked that he had the nerve to ask such an intrusive question. But, deciding that telling him wouldn't really have an effect, she answered his question. "Well, I don't exactly have a choice. Money is money. I have to pay rent, and if this is how it has to happen... so be it." She said, placing down a 'skip' card, followed by a 'draw two'.

Tyler groaned, frustrated with the game, and pulled two cards. "Okay, but do you have another job?" Y/N shook her head.

"Nope. I applied for a music story, but of course there was someone better they'd rather hire than me." She rolled her eyes, unwilling to show how much the thought of it hurt.

"The place right down the street, right?" Tyler asked, and she nodded. He hummed softly in contemplation.

"You don't deserve this." He stated plainly after a few minutes of silently playing the card game.

Although she could appreciate the fact that Tyler's heart was in the right place, Y/N felt her blood boil. How could this guy act as though it was all so simple? "Oh really?" She snapped. "Tell me what I don't deserve, Tyler."

"You don't deserve to have to sell yourself to strangers who have no intention of taking care of you." He responded without hesitation, ignoring
Y/N's attitude and placing down a wild card. "Blue." He added, gesturing to the card.

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