How Tyler Told You His Feelings

498 17 2

Warnings: none

Words 177

Description: Tyler tells Y/N he likes her.


"Y/N, I have a question." Tyler said as soon as you opened your door for him. You let him come in.

"Okay, what is it?" You asked, sitting down on the couch.

"How do you tell a girl you like her?" He sits down beside you.

Your hearts sinks when you hear him talking about that. You've had a crush on him for a while, and the fact that he just admitted to you he liked someone else scared you. But you couldn't let him down.

"I guess just tell her, or call her." You said shrugging.

Tyler looked down for a minute as if thinking. He then looked up at you and smiled. "Okay!" He then got up and walked out of your apartment.

"Well, okay then." You leaned back on the couch and let out a sigh.

You then started to hear your phone buzz and Tyler's contact illuminate your screen showing you that he's calling. You pick up the phone.

"Tyler?" You asked confused.

"Y-you said to call..." he said nervously.


A short one again. I'm really sick so I have nothing better to do.

Tyler Joseph ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now