The Girl In The Garden Pt. 2

394 9 15

Warnings: sexual behavior. Make out sesh. Løl

Words 1009

Description: Tyler and
Y/N's relationship grows, but soon Tyler finds out some confusing news.


It didn't take long for my parents to realize that I've been ditching school, but I refused to tell them where I went.

I thought they would stalk me and find out I was with a girl. My dad already accused me of ditching school to have sex with random girls.

That just wasn't me, I felt sort of hurt by him accusing me of that.

They grounded me, and told me that I had to stay up each night until all of my homework was done.

I wasn't able to leave the school and they had a teacher look after me every once and a while.

Now thinking about it, I get where they were coming from. But back then I was pissed. It made me want to see Y/N even more.

One night I was finishing up some homework. It was 12:00 AM. I decided to use my window and sneak out.

I walked to the park's garden and went to the big oak tree.

There she was.

Why was she up what so late?

"Y/N?" I whisper yelled. I don't know why I whispered really, there was no one around.

She looked up and gave me a big smile, she jumped up and ran into my arms.

"Where have you been?" She asked.

"What are you doing up so late?" I questioned back.

She shrugged, and sat back down.

"I just enjoy it here. It's nice especially at night." She moved her journal and pen and laid down on the soft grass.

I smiled and joined her.

"Yeah, I've been grounded for a few days that's why I haven't been here." I explained. She giggled a little. She turned and propped herself up, leaning her head over me.

You have no idea the feeling in my stomach that I felt. Seeing her Y/C/E eyes sparkle from the stars behind her, also making her face glow. There was nothing more beautiful than her.

It was almost as if she wasn't real.

"You're beautiful." I whispered to her. She smiled, and leaned in for a kiss.

I kissed back and lifted my head trying to get closer to her. She reached up and ran her fingers through my hair as I shifted us to where I was leaning over her.

I pulled away for air but quickly went in again.

I pressed her head to the grass gently as I kissed her. I couldn't get enough. I ran my hand on her waste, pulling her shirt up the tiniest bit.

That's when she pulled away. I was about to go in for another kiss, but she grabbed my hand that was on her waste and held it tight.

"You don't want to do this with me." She said. She sounded as if she was regretting things, and I remember feeling a pang of hurt from her tone.

I wasn't sure if she was regretting kissing me, or regretting she had feelings or what.

I just nodded and stayed silent.

"I loved it, I really did. Just... here?" She gestured to the park. And at first my eyes lit up, I could take her home, but then I decided against that. My parents would have hated it and I'm sure Y/N wouldn't have enjoyed that either.

"Yeah, you're right." I chuckled slightly as I laid beside her again.

She rested her head on my chest, and I smiled.

I fell asleep at the park's garden that night. With the most beautiful girl cuddled up against me.

When I woke up the next morning, I looked over and she was gone.

Y/N was gone.

I wasn't sure how or where she went. I guessed home? I wasn't really sure.

All I really knew is that I was going to be in big trouble. I was supposed to be grounded and instead I fell asleep in a garden with a girl by my side.

As you can tell I was very smart back then.

That was sarcasm.

When I got home I was met with my mother yelling at me. Yeah, I figured she would. It wasn't surprising.

"Where the hell were you?" She asked, and I told her I went for a walk in the park and accidentally fell asleep.

She then went on to tell me that it's dangerous. bla bla bla. I knew that already.

I walked up to my room and shut my door. I just couldn't stop thinking and waiting to see Y/N.

You're probably wondering why I'm telling you this story.

It's sort of difficult to explain.

my mom told me a story of one of the neighbors coming over and explaining to her that she saw me at the park.

She told the neighbor that it was fine, that it was normal for me, but then the neighbor looked at her with a weird look.

"Yes, but he goes out to a big oak tree and talks to something or someone who isn't there. I just thought you should know. I go there every morning, and see him everyday taking to someone who I personally can't see." The neighbor explained to my mom.

My mom told me that her brother suffered from severe schizophrenia.

Yes, 'suffered.' He killed himself when I was little because of schizophrenia.

I stopped seeing the girl in the garden when I met my girlfriend. She wasn't my girlfriend then, but she was new to the school.

That exact day I met Jenna, I went to the park after school and Y/N wasn't there.

I went a couple times after that, but she just disappeared.

She could have moved, or decided she didn't like the park anymore. Which is what I like to think. But my mom said it was just my mind playing tricks. My schizophrenia.

I'm still not sure if that's what it was though. She felt so real, but as I think about it harder and harder she also seemed so unreal.


Hope that made sense. I really liked writing this mystery sort of thing. :)

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