Then It's a Date

97 6 5

Warnings: profanity

Words 1256


I never thought I'd be here... in the school gym... dressed like... well, this.

I didn't imagine being here, but even if I did imagine me stepping foot in this giant decorated room, I didn't imagine myself in a muddy green dress. I swear it looks like someone, who is allergic to silk, sewed white silk together and sneezed all over it, making it snotty green.

I did not really have much choice in my attire for tonight since I wasn't planning on being here until about thirty minutes ago. Maddy spent the past hour begging me to go with her, and went so far as to threaten to cut my hair while I was asleep if I didn't. It was an empty threat, I'm smart enough to know that. But I also know that this actually means a lot to Maddy, and if it means a lot to her then I'll suck it up and deal with tonight like the nice person I am.

Part of the reason I did not want to come tonight was because of the lights, the loud as fuck music, and the stupid ass props in the corner.  But most of the reason is because Maddy's brother is going to be here.

Her brother is a junior, and man, oh man is he fucking gorgeous. He makes me nervous, even though all he is is sweet to me.

He talks to me like a normal person, and yet I can't seem to talk to him like a normal person. He confuses me half the time, he barely makes sense because my mind is racing with thoughts related to him.

And the terrible thing is... he seems to think it's fucking funny.  Every time he speaks to me and I mutter 'huh', which is every time, he chuckles lightly before repeating himself and I swear he has this little smirk on his face like he's laughing at how awkward I am.

I try my hardest to just... keep my distance from him. I avoid him as much as possible, which isn't easy because he likes striking up conversations... he's just a nice guy like that. He strikes up conversations with everyone.

When I see him in the halls he's always smiling with his buddies or whacking his buddies... anything with his buddies really.  He is just overall a happy guy, and he isn't afraid of anything... at least that's how he seems.

And as I'm standing in the entrance, watching as all of the people dance, and laugh, and talk, and overall just intimidate the living shit out of me, Maddy grabs my wrist and drags me towards the dance floor.

My stomach clenched and my lungs tighten as I'm being thrust into the cause of my anxiety. Maddy doesn't stop on the dance floor and she keeps walking forward, pulling me towards the food table.

On a giant platter holds what looks like thousands of chicken nuggets, and I suddenly feel happy to be here. Maybe I can just stack my plate and nibble on it at the corner of the room until 11:00.

I grab a plate and begin stacking the nuggets on top. I swear I've got at least fifty of them on my plate when I turn around and bump straight into someone's chest.

Only a couple fall off my plate, and I step back, my bum smacking the table behind me which makes the platter of nuggets rattle. Thank God above it doesn't fall.

"S-sorry." I say quickly, lifting my shoulders nervously and avoiding eye contact with whoever it is.

"That's okay, Y/N. I didn't mean to bump into you." Tyler says, his hand grazing my forearm as he steps beside me to glance at the chicken nugget platter. I finally glance up at him, Tyler's brown eyes scan the table I just bumped into. "These must be good if you're taking half the platter." He says with a small smile, giving me a side glance and staring directly into my eyes. His confidence shoots lasers into me and I can't help but look down.

"Um... yeah. It will give me an excuse to stay at a table." I mutter, barely over the music. He hears me though. Sometimes I don't understand it. He hears everything I say, even if I mumble it. Why can't I be that way? Why must he intimidate me so much? He isn't scary, or mean. He's nice and sweet and funny.

"You don't plan to dance?" He questions as he pops a nugget in his mouth.

"I... I don't know how." I shrug my shoulders, letting out an awkward chuckle and his whole body turns to face me.

"Well, I'm a good teacher, can I show you?" He asks with lifted eyebrows, and I can't help but smile. My cheeks are definitely burning red right now, and I slowly nod.

"If you want to..." I trail off. He makes me nervous, but I'm not going to turn him down. He is just trying to be friendly, I know that. If I make it something it's not and turn him down, I would be making a fool of myself.

He softly smiles, his hands being placed on mine, and taking the plate from me. He places it down on the table and takes my hand.

He pulls me to the dance floor, much like Maddy did when I came inside. I don't know where she went, but I'm hoping she'll show up soon to maybe dampen the awkwardness.

"Okay..." Tyler says as he steps closer to me. He guides my hands to his neck and he places his hands on my waist. "So we..." he trails off as he begins to sway, one foot comes up, and then the other, back and forth, back and forth. "Three steps backwards, three steps forwards." He instructs, and I watch our feet as I take three steps backwards, his steps forwards, and three steps forwards. "1 2 3... 1 2 3..." he repeats with each step, and once we get the hang of it, I look up at him and laugh quietly.

For a second there, all of those thoughts, the ones that give me major brain fog, vanished and it was only him and I.

He looks down at me with a smile, which grows when he sees my lips curve up. "See, this isn't so bad."

I shake my head, "no it's not."

It's quiet for a little while, the song is still slow as I look around the room at the other people dancing. "You know, you're the only girl I actually enjoy being around." Those words startle me, and I glance up at him with wide eyes. "That's not supposed to be an insult to women, but I really do enjoy your company, even if we don't get to talk a lot."

"I um..." I'm speechless, this time it is for real. "I really enjoy you too." I say, deciding to be honest. He intimidates me, yes, but that's okay because I think he is the most amazing guy I've met.

"Yeah, that's really great to hear. We should make it a normal thing. Maybe we could get to know each other more." He begins to nod to his idea, as if he is agreeing with himself and I smile lightly.

"I'd like that..." I say quietly, and he gives me a big goofball smile.

"Okay good." He says happily, "then it's a date."

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