A Car, A Baby, A Death

832 14 17

Warning: there is happiness, but it is RIPPED away. Yeah ik sad. Also there's death. Okay enjoy xx

Words 1735

Description: Tyler has told Y/N that he wants to start a family soon, Y/N gets pregnant but unfortunately something happens. This is not what they had planned.

Your POV

I'm in the pit tonight, and it's amazing! It's exhausting from jumping and making sure I don't fall and break my face. But other than that it's awesome!

The next song playing is holding on to you, and my husband, Tyler, has been glancing at me all night.

We've been married for 5 years, and still happy. I guess we're doing something right.

The first bit of chords play of holding onto you as Tyler jumps off the stage and searches for where he wants to be held up.

He looks over at me, and smiles. He starts walking over and jumps up with the help of a security guard. He reaches out to grab my hand, and then makes sure he's steady before beginning to sing.

He holds my hand and rubs it as he sings. Occasionally he would let go and fix his microphone or go to touch someone else's hand, but gradually go back to my hand.


"That was amazing!" I exaggerate, running up and jumping into his arms. I've seen tons of his shows, but they just keep getting better and better.

"Yes! Thank you, you looked beautiful out there." He smiles, and then turns to Josh. "Good job man, that was amazing."

"Yeah I know! Did you see that drunk guy pop that balloon?" He laughs.

"Aw no I missed it!" Tyler flings his hands up, and I giggle.

Josh and Tyler talk a little more until Tyler grabs my hand and tugs me to the dressing room.

When we get there he doesn't let go of my but instead flings me around as if he's trying to dance with me. I stumble a little bit but he catches me and grabs my waist and begins to sway. I giggle a little, and he smiles.

"You know I've been thinking..." Tyler begins, and he looks around the room. He smirks slightly, and regains his focus to my eyes.

"What? That you need a shower? Yeah good thinking." I joke, and he lets out a small laugh.

"No, I've been thinking about us." He looks down and runs his hands from my shoulders to my hands interlocking our fingers. "What if we try..." He begins but doesn't finish his sentence.

"Try...?" I ask, egging him on to tell me.

"For a baby. Try for a baby." He looks up into my eyes and gives me an adorkable smile.

"Really?" I ask, my mouth curving into a smile. He nods, and his smile gets bigger, and he begins to blush.

"It's just- we've been together for five years, and you know how I've always wanted-"

"Let's do it." I cut him off and nod.

"Really?" He asks beginning to laugh slightly.

Tyler Joseph ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now