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Warnings: hinting to sexual behavior (but it is not written so we safe peeps)

Words 637

Description: Y/N is trying to talk to her husband, Tyler, but Tyler won't talk to her. She plans on figuring out why


"Tyler!" You began, but he just wouldn't answer.

"I know you hear me, Ty."

You were trying to get Tyler's attention, but Tyler was being stubborn. You guessed it was one of those days he liked to annoy you.

"Tylerrrrr" you say exaggerating the 'r'. Tyler sits there scrolling through his social media. His face blank and he won't move a muscle.

You inch yourself closer to him, wrapping your arms around him. "Love me." You kiss his shoulder lightly, but he doesn't even twitch.

You decide to cover his phone with your hand, and he gives out a small chuckle before turning it off.

You look up at him, your face glowing with a grin.

Was he finally going to acknowledge your existence?

He gets up and lays down on the floor. I guess not.

"What are you doing?" You ask, cocking your head to the side. He didn't even glance at you, but instead rested his body on the soft thick carpet.

His stomach facing down and his cheek pressed against the carpet cotton.

You let out a small laugh to yourself as you think of a plan.

"I want cuddles." You state, getting up and slowly walking over to him. You smirk as you practically lay on him. Literally the only thing you were touching was him, you weren't even on the ground anymore. He let out a light grunt, but then it turned into laughter.

"Am I that fat?" You ask, fake gasping. You climb off of him and curl up beside him.

He doesn't answer and turns his head. You let out a sigh, but then again get on top of him. But this time you're over him, your knees planted into the carpet to hold you up from falling.

He twists his body around to where his stomach is now facing you. A slight smirk on his face.

"Are you going to talk to me?" You ask, lowering yourself to tease him. He lifts his head as if trying to kiss you but you pull away quick enough. "Nu-uh."

He lets out a deep sigh, but then purses his lips together. He does an imaginary zip on his lips and you roll your eyes.

"Why aren't you talking?" You give him a pouty lip. He shrugs, as he runs his hands over your waist and up your shirt trying to pull you down to his lips. You roll your eyes and get up off him, and he frowns.

"Why don't you just freaking talk? And then you can have all the kisses you want."

He furrows his eyebrows in thought before his eyes light up with an idea. He gets up and runs into the kitchen for a piece of paper, he runs back in and writes something on it.

"Josh and I jinxed and I owe him a coke, but I can't buy him one until tomorrow."

"Wow, that's dedication right there." You point to the paper and Tyler smiles. He begins to write again.

"I don't plan on losing."

you smile at his competitiveness.

"I'm dying for a kiss right now." He looks up and gives you puppy-dog eyes.

"Yeah okay, tell me you love me first." You smirk.

He starts to write but she stops him.

"No, I mean I want to hear your beautiful soft sweet voice."

He shakes his head, but then you lean closer to him. You place your hand on his knee.

"Josh won't know." You pause. "That sounds super weird. But you know what I mean."

He smiles. "I love you." He says before attacking you with a kiss.

You laugh at his eagerness, but soon kiss him back passionately.


I sorta just wrote and let the story take itself places. Lol if that makes sense.

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