Hoco proposal

224 9 29

Warning: cursing.

I wrote this with my good fren. :)

I want to change my user. Should I?

Words 1155


Y/n tapped her foot anxiously as she stared at the clock. She heard the teachers murmurs in the back of her mind, but she didn't pay attention to her. She couldn't pay attention to her.

She had 5 minutes until the end of second period, and the start of third period. This was her favorite part of the school day. This was the only time to see her boyfriend— well, they weren't totally together, but they liked each other, and they both knew it.

As the bell rang through the classroom, y/n's feet were already darting for the door, a huge smile on her face. She had something important to tell Tyler— well, not really telling him, more like hinting. Homecoming was in 2 weeks, and they still haven't discussed it whatsoever. She was set on going with him, and wanted to maybe let him know gradually.

Once she entered the room, she was one of the first to arrive. She set her bag in the chair beside her to save the seat.

Before she knew it the smiley boy tapped her shoulder, making her twist around.

"I see you saved me a seat?" Tyler asked, as he set his bag down beside the chair.

Y/n nodded, "so, did you hear about homecoming?" She asked, and Tyler shrugged, digging into his bag.

"Yeah, but I don't know if I'm going." He shrugged it off, as he placed his books on his desk.

Y/n was about to say something else, but the teacher interrupted with her loud voice. She looked down at her wooden desk, her mind blocking out the teachers voice.

Has he really not thought about asking me? She wondered.


"Joseph, what the hell are you doing? Pay attention!" The couch shouted, and y/n lifted her eyes from her chrome book to be met with Tyler's. Tyler quickly turned his head to face the coach.

"Sorry, coach. I got distracted," Tyler said with stars in his eyes. Y/n rolled her eyes, but smiled nonetheless. The coach just continued his lecture.


"What was that, Joseph, you gotta keep your head in the game!" Y/n teased as she slapped his shoulder. A small blush appeared on his cheeks, and it only egged y/n on. She began to laugh harder, and Tyler looked down trying to hide his blush.

"Shut your mouth." He mumbled, elbowing her side. He pulled his keys out of his pocket, earning a jingle from them.

Soon enough they were pulling out of the school parking lot and on their way home.

Tyler was y/n's neighbor, so he was always her ride home. She had to stay late to watch Tyler practice, but she never complained.

"Is there any particular reason you're not going to homecoming?" Y/n asked, pursuing her plan she started before.

Tyler shrugged, the same plain, blank, facial expression he had when they were talking about it earlier. "What do you mean?" He asked shortly.

"What do you mean 'what do you mean'? You told me earlier that you weren't going to go!"

Tyler Joseph ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now