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Warning: period. talks of blood.

This is literally my 91st chapter. Holy frick time goes by fast.

Words 442



Sometimes I wish cramps were a person so I could kill them. Yes, it's violent but accurate.

I groaned as a felt a pang in my lower stomach. Oh god how it hurt. I felt like I was having the devil's child. The child being blood, blood, and more blood.

"You okay?" Tyler asked, picking up my feet and sitting down. He laid my feet on his lap as he played with my toes.

"No. I am having the devil's baby." I spoke my thoughts just prior to Tyler's arrival.

Tyler's eyes went wide in shock. "What is that supposed to mean?"

I sighed. "It's my way of saying I'm on my period. Don't worry I'm not having any baby any time soon. Obviously."

"Do you need me to get you anything?" Tyler asked, and I shook my head.

"Just kisses." I smiled, and Tyler leaned over to kiss my mouth but I stopped him. "No, the chocolate kisses in the kitchen." I corrected and Tyler sighed in disappointment.

"Fine." He dragged himself to his feet as he made his way into the kitchen.

"Oh, also get me a heating pad, Motrin, a bag of chips, and a ice cold water." I called.

When Tyler came back he carried multiple items in his arms. Everything I requested and also a pillow.

"Thank you." I smiled, and Tyler nodded.

He set everything down, gave me my Motrin, set up the heating pad, and also threw me the remote. I don't know what I could do without him.

A few episodes of the office, and a bag of chips later, my cramps finally stopped and I was cuddled into Ty's side.

He held me close to him as he laughed at a prank Jim pulled on Dwight.

"Do you want a kiss?" I asked in a seductive tone. Tyler looked down, a smirk on his face.

"Don't mind if I do." He leaned in but I quickly turned my head and picked up a kiss for him. I began to giggle and he swatted the kiss away.

"You know what?" I said as I unraveled the kiss and popped it in my mouth. "You deserve tons of kisses after being so nice to me today." I swallowed my chocolate and leaned in, kissing his lips, and he smiled into the kiss.

"You taste like chocolate." He grinned.

I rolled my eyes, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Thank you for this, Ty. It means a lot."


I've never done a period one before.

Tyler Joseph ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now