You hurt my angel pt. 2

326 8 3

Warning: abuse, blood

Words 3371


Day 10

"Now, I won't force you to do anything, sweetheart, but you really should inform your parents about this." The nurse gently told Y/N.

Y/N shook her head, sitting up in the hospital bed. "They don't need to know," she said firmly. "It'll only make things worse."

"Well, we're getting your pregnancy test results back sometime this morning." The nurse explained, trying to persuade Y/N into talking to her parents without seeming rude. "If you are going to tell them, I suggest doing it soon." Y/N only nodded in response.

Tyler, who was sitting in a chair a few inches from Y/N bed, stared at her, lost in thought. She isn't even considering the nurse's advice, he thought, beginning to feel hopeless. There has to be a way to fix all of this... Tyler had already decided that if the test came back positive he would take care of Y/N and the baby. He refused to let her face this all alone.

Y/N turned to face Tyler in his uncomfortable hospital chair as the nurse left the room. "Are you alright?" She asked sweetly.

"I guess so." He shifted in his seat. "What will you do if the test is positive?" He asked cautiously, lowering his voice.

"That won't happen, Tyler," she answered confidently. "It's never happened before when Luke and I have..." she trailed off there, taking a minute to figure out what to say. "It won't be positive," Y/N finished.

Tyler cringed at the thought of Luke taking advantage of Y/N and sighed. "I know but, just... what if this time isn't like the others?"

"Then I guess I'll be having a child." She replied flatly. Y/N masked the hurt in her voice, and the anxiety in her chest; this wasn't how she had planned everything to be. She wasn't ready, not when she was still so young. "And I'm not telling Luke either, you know."

"Y/N... how do you plan on doing any of this?" Tyler questioned softly.

Y/N sighed. "I don't know, okay?" She ran a hand through her hair, and Tyler took this as a sign of 'don't push me.' He leaned back in his seat.

"Okay," Tyler continued, "then when do you get out of here?"

"Tomorrow," she answered quietly. Tears began to blur Y/N's vision, but she would not let them fall.

Tyler noticed this and immediately moved closer to her bed. He leaned over, grabbing her hand. "Hey, it's going to be okay. I'll be with you the whole time. He isn't going to hurt you."

Y/N nodded slowly, wiping her eyes. Tyler stood and kissed her forehead.

That's when the nurse came marching in, holding a stack of papers in her hand. "The results are in," she said, flipping through a few pages. "Y/N, I have very big news for you, sweetheart: you're pregnant."

Tyler's head whipped around to Y/N, who did nothing but stare blankly at the nurse. He pulled her into a tight hug, resting his cheek on the top of her head. He could see tears beginning to slip down her face.

Time seemed to be frozen in place for Y/N. The rest of her life had been changed in under 5 seconds. Tyler whispered comforting thoughts into Y/N's ear, but she didn't hear him. She was underwater, suffocating. Or maybe she was in a dream where she could scream as loud as she wanted and no one would even care to hear.

Y/N didn't feel real. She didn't want to cry, or scream, or even be close to Tyler. There was just emptiness, like her whole world was crashing and burning.

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