I'm fine

874 17 14

Warning: abusive boyfriend, and blood.

Words 1144

Description: Y/N is struggling with relationship problems. Her boyfriend isn't the nicest, and she'd rather hang with her best friend, Tyler. Of course that doesn't settle well with her boyfriend.


You shut the bathroom door quickly, and lean on it. You lock it, as you hear your boyfriend slamming on the door.

"LET ME IN YOU SLUT!" He screams, pounding his fists on the wood.

You let out a quiet whimper, as you slide yourself to the floor. You lightly touch your face and flinch when you feel a thick liquid. When you remove your hand you have red blood on your finger tips.

Your boyfriend, Jack, wasn't the best to you. You left the house for 2 hours without an explanation, and now he's assuming you're cheating on him. Also he's drunk, which makes things worse.

Soon the pounding stops, and he speaks calmly. "Open this door, Y/N. You're nothing without me. Open the door for me, baby."

Your vision starts to get blurry, and then everything goes black.

Tyler POV

My day with Y/N was good. I asked her to go to Taco Bell to talk about the up coming tour and which dates will be closest to her so she could come. That's not really why I asked her to go, I just really enjoy talking to her. It was mostly an excuse.

No, Tyler. She has a boyfriend, and she's happy.

I plop down on my favorite spot on the couch, and pull my phone out. I tap on Y/N's contact, and it begins to ring.

Your POV

When you wake up, you're on the bathroom floor. It's quiet in the house, and you're sure Jack left. It wasn't fair. He could leave and do whatever he wanted, but when you left he would get on to you. Often hurt you.

You start to cry, and your head hurts. Soon you hear your phone ringing. You check and it's Tyler.

You were fighting yourself on if you should answer it. Because honestly he was the one who put you in this position. You just loved talking to him. It was sort of worth it.

You take a deep breath, and try and fix your puffy eyes, even though he can't see you.

"Hello?" You answer, a lot more shakier than you'd like.

"Hey, I just wanted to-" you sniff and he stops.

Shit. He knows.

"Hey, are you okay?" You can hear the concern in his voice.

"I'm fine. The fact that you have to lie to him makes you want to cry even more. So of course a sob escapes your mouth, and you can hear Tyler mumble a 'oh' as if he's realizing your crying.

"I'm coming over okay?" He states. Your eyes widen.

"N- no Tyler please-" before you can finish he hangs up.

"Shit shit shit!" You try to sit up quickly, but wince, so you take your time. When you look in the mirror, you have a big black eye, and a cut lip.

Your eyes start to water. He can't see you like this.

You reach for the cabinet and get out cotton balls and peroxide. You start cleaning up the wounds, and wince occasionally from the sting.

You knew it wouldn't cover up the bruises but it will make it look better. And maybe he can take the excuse of falling down the stairs seriously.

You could hear him knocking on the door. Fear and guilt breaks through and you burst into tears. You try to breath, and you go and lock the bathroom door. You chicken out.

He'll go away. He has to. He can't just break in.

You walk over and sit on the toilet with the lid down. You curl up and bury your face into your knees.

You lift your head to the sound of footsteps up the stairs.

Oh god. He actually came in?

Knock knock

"Y/N. Is everything okay?" His soft voice is filled with concern and comfort. You try to limit your breathing and sobs to keep quiet.

"I'm fine, Tyler. You don't have to be here." You sigh.

"Will you unlock the door?" He asks, and you lift your head.

"I said I'm fine!" You say, letting a sob out.

The door knob jiggles from him trying to get in.

"Y/N, please. What going on in there?" You can hear the fear in his voice.

"Please just go away!" You break down, and start to cry silently. But of course he can hear you.

"I'm going to kick the door down." He threatens, but not in a mean way. After a couple minutes, he rams his shoulder into the door, and after a couple times he's in.

He rubs his shoulder until he sees you, you look down and cover your face into your knees.

"Y/N. What's wrong?" He asks going over to hug you. You except the hug and quickly bury your face into his shirt so he won't see. "Hey, look at me."

You let out a sob and shake your head.

"It's okay." He pulls away and lifts your head. As soon as your face is in view, his eyes widen with shock, but it quickly turns into rage.

"Who did this?" He demands, his voice raising the tiniest bit.

"It's nothing, I fell down the st-"

"Bullshit! Who did this to you?" He insists, as he holds your chin up carefully to examine the bruises.

"J-Jack." You say as you begin to cry again. He carefully pulls you into another hug.

"How long has he done this?" He asks, you could hear the pain and hurt in his voice.

"It's been 2 months." You choke out. You expect him to ask you 'why didn't you tell me?' or 'why didn't you leave?' But instead:

"You're not going to stay here any longer. You're staying with me."

"H- he'll hurt me-"

"He can try, but he will never ever put a hand on you again, understand?" He looks at you. And you nod. "He's going to prison. There's no reason to be scared, okay?"

You nod again, and he embraces you in another hug. You open your eyes and look at the door, little wood chips on the floor from him breaking the lock.

You quickly pull away from the hug and pull up his sleeve. There is a bruise already forming on his arm. You run your hand over it and he winces slightly.

"It's nothing, Y/N. We should be worrying about you." He grabs your hand from his arm and rolls his sleeve back down.

You notice scars on his wrists, but decide to not talk about it right now. But he can tell by your expression you saw them.

"It's nothing, sweetheart. Okay?" He stand up and takes a hand out for you. Your except it and he helps you in the car and you leave.

That was the last time you set foot in that house. And you were determined to keep it that way.


That was...   brutal? Is that the word? Yeah...

The next one is sadder. (Sadder is a word peoples. I promise ya.)

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