Cheats and Mistakes

338 10 10

Warnings: talks of cheating.

Words 1080


Have you ever been cheated on?

If you have you know that gnawing feeling in the back of your mind that tells you no one is going to be loyal to you. And the bad side of your mind, Blurryface, tells you that the reason the person cheated was because you weren't good enough.

I feel that.


You begin to not trust anyone. Not even your friends. And when people try to build a window in the high brick wall you formed over the years, they end up making it stronger.

The story starts with my boyfriend, or I guess you could've called him my Fiancé.

I was home while he was on tour. I had a job to do so I couldn't go on tour with him.

It wasn't a long tour. About 4 months.

I remember specifically me calling him one night, because we hadn't talked in a while due to his schedule and time change.

He wasn't picking up. Thought maybe it was because he was in an interview or maybe working on some sort of tour stuff that I didn't understand; still don't to this day.

So i shot him a text:

Hey, it's me. Just thinking about you and miss you. We haven't talked in a while. Call me back.

I set my phone down, giving him some time to text back. To me, receiving a text back is like waiting for water to boil. You can't sit there and watch it or it'll never do what you want.

After a while I heard my phone ding so I went over to check the contacts.

Who is this?

I remember feeling so confused, and feel a sinking feeling in my stomach. Like, what if he dropped his phone and got a new number and forgot mine? Or maybe he just didn't realize he deleted my contact on accident.

I wasn't sure what, but I texted back:

It's Y/N.


At this point I was actually getting kind of annoyed by this. He had to have been playing a prank on me right?

Your fiancée.

He didn't respond for a moment before his contact popped up on the screen showing me he was FaceTiming.

I picked up, wanting to know why the hell he tried to prank me like that.

Once I clicked accept call, the screen was dark on his end of the phone, but I could hear him moving the phone around.

"Hello?" A high feminine voice sounded into the speakers making my heart drop.

"Who are you? Where's Tyler?" I questioned nervously.

"He's in the bathroom." The girl replied plainly, not willing to show her face.

I remember dropping the phone down onto my bed and getting up to walk around a moment. I felt like crying, and my eyes were almost about to overflow when I heard Tyler's voice on the other end.

Tyler Joseph ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now