
281 7 12

Warnings: none.

Words 460


You adjusted yourself onto Tyler's chest, your fingers rubbing softly across his collarbone and tattoos.

Tyler scratched his head, making a static sound on the sheets as he moved. "You did well in bowling today." Tyler complimented, and you smiled.

You picked up your head and moved your hair from your face, making Tyler bring his hand up and it through your hair. "Yes, thank you."

"Who was that guy that's on your team that you were talking to the whole time?" He curiously questioned.

"Charlie. He's a good friend of mine." You traced your index finger on his tattoo on his chest. His chest lifted as he inhaled.

"He seemed like a nice guy." Tyler's tone changed from cheerful and loving to some sort of bitter quietness. You couldn't quite tell exactly.

"He is." You replied honestly.

"I think he likes you." Tyler's heartbeat caught up, and his voice got quiet.

You lifted your head to look at your husband. Your heart was beating fast, and your cheeks became red. He picked up on this, and frowned. "What? Do you like him too?" He assumed, and your eyebrows furrowed.

"No! Why would you think that?" You felt a pang in your heart when he assumed that. Does he not trust you?

"You just- you got all flustered." He shrugged the best he could while laying down, and you moved yourself off him and over to your side.

"I do that when people think things about me that aren't true." You rolled your eyes.

Tyler sat up on his elbow, facing you. "Well, you were laughing at all his jokes, and would give him high-fives every single time. Even if he got a gutter."

"That's just our thing!" You retorted, and Tyler's expression changed quickly.

"Our? What's that supposed to mean!?" He practically yelled back, now sitting up so he can express himself more. You sat up along with him.

"You know what? I think you should sleep on the couch." You crossed your arms. "Grab and pillow and blanket."

"What? Are you serious?" He asked annoyed, and you nodded your head. He got up from his place in the bed, and grabbed a blanket and pillow. "We're talking about this later! And it's not that I don't trust you, Y/N. I don't trust him."

He then took off out of the room and down the stairs.

You then burst into tears once he left. You couldn't believe what he was saying.

You felt terrible.

You: Charlie, hey, I just wanted to tell you that last night was our last night. I really do love Tyler and don't want him to find out. ❤️


Plot twist (o)

This made me sad to end it sadly løl

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