That Means Nothing To Me.

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Warnings: none.

Words 916


Y/N unbuttoned her plaid shirt down a button to be a bit revealing.

She was going to talk to her crush today.

His name was tyler. He had no idea who she was because she was very good at hiding herself in corners. But they were in the same college music class. She knew he was in a band, but that wasn't why she was interested in him.

He was cute, and he seemed so sweet.

She knew he was going to Taco Bell because she heard her friend say he goes every day after music class.

That was her chance to talk to him, and Y/N was determined to at least get him to know her name.

She marched confidently into the Taco Bell, searching for his figure.

Once he spotted a hoodie with a hat she knew it was him.

She began to walk over there, slowly getting more nervous, as she got slower and slower.

That's when her master plan hit her and she grew a straight posture and a smile.

"What can I get you?" Y/N asked casually and Tyler smiled.

"I already ordered." He replied, searching for a name tag of some sort, and finding a highly revealing plaid shirt. He focused on her eyes. "You must've lost your name tag."

Y/N looked down, and then behind her to see a waitress walk past with an apron and a name tag. "Oh, yeah, damn washers." She laughed slightly.

Tyler's shoulders lifted into a shrug as he too laughed a bit. It then went silent, and Y/N could tell Tyler was waiting for what was next.

"So, I'll um, I'll let you be."  Y/N awkwardly twisted around, laughing embarrassingly.

That was harder than she thought.

She sighed and began to walk for the exit.

"Uh, ma'am." Tyler called, and Y/N twisted around.

He pointed his finger to the kitchen.

"The kitchen is that way." He had a small playful smirk on his face as if he knew she was lying.

"Uh, right." Y/N laughed it off and made her way into the kitchen.

She began to feel out of place in the kitchen, and her insides turned.

That is until she was being forced out, and so she rushed into the girls bathroom afraid of Tyler seeing her being removed from the kitchen.

She leaned herself on to the one stall bathroom sink.

She's so stupid! He's not going to like her now. The one guy she finds interest in doesn't like her. All the other guys seem to, so why not him; the one she actually liked.

She rubbed her face, feeling bad for herself. She ruined everything, and she lost the only thing that seems important to her.

When she finally felt like it was safe to come out, she exited the bathroom, turning to leave.

As she was walking Tyler tapped her on her shoulder making her turn quickly.

"Hey, so, I know you don't actually work here, and I was wondering if maybe you were a fan? Because if you are you can just ask me for a picture or autograph or whatever." Tyler said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh, no. I'm not." Y/N replied, but then quickly changed her words. "I mean- I don't know. What?"

"So, you're not a fan?" He asked sort of shocked.

"Well, no." She replied, and her face began to heat up.

"Wow, so that was real back there?" Tyler again asked, pointing his thumb back to where he was sitting. She nodded silently and he breathed out a chuckle. "Alright, whats your name?"

"Y/N. We are in the same music class for college." She quietly watched his movements as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Wait, so you meant to hit on me?" He asked, and Y/N furrowed her brows in confusion. What? Has he never been hit on before? "And like not because you like Twenty Øne Piløts or have any relationship with them?"

Y/N swallowed and shook her head. "Well, yeah, I knew you were in the band. But no."

Tyler began to use his hands to express his point as if her no's were not enough. "So like, it doesn't bother you that I'm the lead singer of twenty one pilots?"

She just stared at him, shrugging her shoulders. She never was bothered by it. She never thought of it as anything. That was just what Tyler did. She was confused of why he was so astonished.

Tyler stared at her for a moment, his eyes glancing through both of her pupils for any sign of amazement and excitement, but found nothing but confusion. He shook his head from any thoughts and started over.

He closed his eyes to think of what he was going to say. "I'm sorry, uh, I'm Tyler."

"I'm Y/N." She repeated, her face becoming bright with a smile.

Tyler too smiled, taking in her full beautiful face.

"Would you like to go on a walk with me?" He asked her, and she nodded.

"I would love to." Y/N giggled. "And maybe you can enlighten me on this band thing you want me to be excited about."

He chuckled, and they walked out of the restaurant.

This was a re-edited version of a cut scene from a book I'm writing.  I sorta tweaked it so it made sense. Comment and vote pls :)

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