Arc 10-457: Rich People Willful

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Although he doesn't really want to believe in praying to God and worshiping Buddha, after seeing others praying to God and praying to Buddha, Song Haifeng also sincerely prayed to God and worshiped Buddha, but the result was not very good, because it was the day when he prayed to God and worshiped Buddha. On the way, he encountered an accident again.

The ground was good, but for some reason there was a crack suddenly, and a person could fall through that crack, so Song Haifeng became the unlucky one who fell.

When Song Haifeng fell, he was accompanied by a guard, not to mention that his relatives who were with him were all beside him, but he was the only one who fell, and he happened to be stuck in it. The kind that couldn't get out, and was scratched by the stones in the cracks next to it in the process of falling.

It can be said that the members of the Song family saw clearly how Song Haifeng fell, and it was precisely because of this that many people turned pale.

"What's the matter with my good grandson? I've come here to pray to God and worship Buddha. Why didn't the Buddha bless my good grandson? How did such a big crack appear? No one else fell down. How did you save my good grandson from falling?" The Song family's grandma was talking beside her.

At this time, the old man was still holding a string of Buddhist beads, and the fingers of the other party were fiddled with the beads. The whole person's face was pale, and anyone who saw the scene just now would not look so good. Yes, especially this is because the eldest grandson I put on my heart is the most promising grandson in the family, so how can the old man bear this?

With everyone's help, Song Haifeng was pulled up quickly, but even so, he had some more injuries. Especially those places that were scratched by the stones, those stones didn't know how to grow, anyway, they were very sharp, and the sharp point directly scratched Song Haifeng's skin.

So now Song Haifeng had to go to the hospital to treat his wounds. When he was sent to the hospital, the old man couldn't bear to watch him while he was being treated, and he was forced out in the end.

There were iron filings on those gravels, so this time Song Haifeng needed a tetanus shot.

It's fine if you need a tetanus shot, but somehow rabies was detected on one of the wounds, so he still needs to be vaccinated against rabies. It's unbelievable to say that there is a little iron filings on the stone, why? Will there be rabies?

After a lot of injections, Song Haifeng was also treated. Many places of those wounds were bandaged up, and he looked even worse.

The rest of the people looked at Song Haifeng's appearance and didn't know what to say.

I've seen unlucky people, but I've never seen anyone more unlucky than Song Haifeng. If this guy has been like this since he was a child, then forget it, but it just started recently.

Xiao Wangjun and Chen Hangzhi soon received the news that Song Haifeng had gone to the hospital, and learned that Song Haifeng had even been vaccinated against rabies in the hospital. Even Xiao Wangjun could not help but twitch his lips.

"Wouldn't it be too obvious and completely illogical when the Dao of Heaven targets a person?"

There is a bit of iron filings on the stone, which can be explained. After all, iron filings will fall off. Maybe they rubbed against the stone at some point, but there is a virus like rabies on the stone. This is really too incredible.

Xiao Wangjun felt that it would be better to just get poisoned directly. As for where the poison came from, anyway, Tian Dao never considered logic, so it didn't care where the poison came from?

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