They propose to you

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This is the last scenario of this book~! But don't worry, there is a second book.


You were both walking on the most beautiful realm you both ever set foot on. There wasn't much talk, both were just enjoying the silence and each other's company. As you looked at Asra, he gave you a smile, saying the realm is almost as beautiful as you. When you laughed, saying that's so cheesy, he chuckled before he dug into his bag and went on one knee, pulling a box open to show off a ring, jokingly asking if you think this is also cheesy. When you didn't reply, too shocked, he couldn't help but chuckle before he asked you if you want to marry him. When you said yes, he was quick to get up and give you a kiss before putting the ring on you. When you suddenly jumped on him, giving him a huge hug, he tripped and fell backwards. He was very glad the ground suddenly became as soft as a marshmallow, saving him from landing on some harsh ground. He laughed before he wrapped his arms around you. When he saw your tears of happiness, he chuckled before wiping them away with his sleeve, admitting that he sometimes worried you might have said no so when you said yes, he never felt so happy and relieved before.


A lot was going wrong. The plague was acting up, people were dying, her schedule was full which was bringing her great stress and making her health awful, you had gotten badly injured on an adventure, the stress was too much and she was getting more scared that one of you might die. So one day while you both stood on her balcony, finally taking a break from everything, she put her hand on yours, softly saying she worries each day lives each day in fear you or her might die. Before you could assure her no harm will come to her, she put up her hand to politely ask you to wait before she continued, saying she wishes to marry you before something awful happens and she doesn't have the opportunity anymore. She added if you do not wish to marry, she is okay with that, but it would bring her great comfort and happiness if you did marry her. When you smiled and gave her knuckles a kiss, saying you would love to marry her, she smiled back at you before giving you a passionate kiss.


He wanted to make it a surprise, but it didn't go how he wanted. He was wasted in the Rowdy Raven, drunkly yelling things. And at one point, he leaned against you, drunkly mumbling he is gonna propose to his lover. When you asked him what he just said, he put his finger to his lips, whispering not to tell his lover before he snatched his beer mug and joined the drunkly men singing and dancing. So when he finally proposed and you chuckled, saying yes, he frowned, saying you don't look that shocked. When you laughed out he had revealed his plan while drunk, his face turned bright red out of embarrassment as he mumbled he wanted it to be a good surprise.


He didn't have any money for a ring, for which he felt awful. He didn't even get marriages, he just knows people who are deeply in love do it. He's deeply in love with you, so he decided he should ask you. But he didn't know how. He was too embarrassed to ask Asra about it. So one day while you both were feeding the chickens, he awkwardly asked if you want to get married. When you looked at him, shocked, he wondered if he did something wrong and awkwardly mumbled sorry, telling you to forget what he said, only to flinch when you suddenly hugged him and happily said you would love to get married. He hugged you back with a sigh of relief, really having thought you were gonna say no so hearing you say that made him very happy and relieved. When you hugged him tighter, saying you wouldn't even dream of saying no, he got a big smile, feeling so lucky and happy.


You were both in the garden, both sitting down, tending to the plants, laughing about some things you were both talking about. As you laughed, she stared, finding you so beautiful. As you got up, she realized she couldn't wait any longer and this was a good time so she took your hand to stop you from walking away before she dug into her pocket and pulled out the ring she wasted all her money on, asking you if you want to marry her. When you happily laughed and nod, she grinned before jumping up and taking her hand, sliding the ring on your finger. When it was on, she happily threw her arms around you and gave you a big, passionate kiss before she laughed out of pure happiness, saying she's so happy you said yes.


He wanted it to be romantic. So one day you entered his wing of the palace, when you saw rose pedals on the floor, leading to his room. Mercedes and Melchior were happily wagging their tails, pushing your legs as if to tell you to move so you did. Once you opened the door, saw Lucio standing there, holding some flowers. When you sarcastically asked if this is his way of asking for sex, he rolled his eyes with a smile forming before he walked to you, saying no. He held the flowers to you, saying this is his way of asking if you want to marry him. When you didn't immediately take the flowers and replied, he worried he messed up, but then you took the flowers and happily said yes. He was quick to hug you, happily asking yes. When you laughed and said yes again, he gave you a passionate kiss before happily twirling you, cheering that you said yes.


He didn't want to make you feel pressured, so at dinner, he nevously played with his tableware before he asked you how you feel about marriage. When you gave your thoughts on it, he awkwardly cleared his throat, saying he asked because he was wondering if you would like to marry him. When you gave him a smile and said you would like that, he couldn't hide the huge smile that grew on his face.


It was very random. You just sat on his lap, both bored, trying to find something to do, when he casually asked if you want to marry him. When you shrugged and said sure, he hummed and then both went back to being bored.

I hope you enjoyed the book and look forward to the second book.

The Arcana x Reader Scenarios {Book One} {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now