What became of them (3/3)

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I WON'T write a happy ending to this, I wanted some of them to have a very dark ending.

This is the last one of the three. I promise I will make the next few chapters fluff so you can all have your broken hearts fixed with cute chapters.


He couldn't handle being in this land. Everywhere he stepped were memories that came flooding back. So he was always away on journeys. Only coming back if he needed something important. He threw the cards away, he didn't want anything to do with them anymore, that insane magical realm killed his lover after all. He felt guilty about himself for many things, one being he couldn't gather the courage before you died. Before you died, he had a big plan, but he was too shy to actually do it. He was planning to propose, planning to go on one knee, open a tiny box and show a ring he wasted almost all of his money on and ask you if you wish to marry him and live a very happy life together. But he cowarded out, he never regretted a choice so much before. He wanted to throw the box away, but he couldn't. He just couldn't, he kept it in his bag. Sometimes while camping while on a journey, he will pull it out and stare at the ring before planting a kiss on it, whispering he's so sorry he was too much of a coward and how lovely you would have looked in a wedding outfit.


The first few months, she had her family there to support her as she was going through this tough time. But each time she worked, her mind would drift to you, remembering how you brought her dinner because she was so busy with work she would accidentally forget it, or how you would sneak behind her before attacking her with kisses as a lovely surprise and break from work. She couldn't work, she couldn't stay here, the memories pained her too much, so she gave up her position as countess and moved back to her homeland. She didn't want to live a life of a countess anymore, it was constant stress and never had she time for herself. So at her homeland, she did the things she wanted to do but her busy life would never let her. Sadly she had to do those without you, but you went through a lot, so she decided to write a book and write your story so people can see how wonderful you were and through how much you have gone and how brave and strong you were. As she wrote it, she had to stop after two chapters to wipe the tears off her cheeks, memories she forgot about now coming back up to the surface.


He tried to kill himself multiple times. Stab himself, burn himself, slice himself, and so on... But nothing worked, each time he healed in a few seconds. He always thought of this as a good thing because it means you two can cause mischief without having to worry about him getting hurt, but now it is a curse. Nothing worked and it angered him greatly to the point he trashed his whole house, breaking a few objects while doing so. Eventually he gave up on this and would just spend days sitting aside your grave, mumbling about stuff, how Vesuvia has been doing, how everyone is holding up. When there was no reply, he just curled up into a ball and cried himself to sleep. When he woke up, he knew his life wouldn't become better, so he might as well do some weird stuff and try to move on. So he became a pirate again, but while there, he realized what he wants to do. Help people, he doesn't want anyone else to go through what he's going through, so he went and got an actual license so he's an official doctor and can now help people and prevent them from dying.


He killed himself. He couldn't handle it anymore. Inanna and Asra were the only ones he had left, but after a year Inanna also passed away and Asra began leaving more and more on adventures so Muriel felt alone, unneeded, unimportant, not special. How he felt before you came in his life. So he hid in his hut for weeks the first few weeks, refusing to eat or talk to anyone, slowly becoming his old self again. But he hated the old him, he didn't want to become his old self. At night when he wanted to sleep, nightmares would come of the arena, all those dangerous adventures and how he held you as you were dying, the guilt and regret in his heart was too much. He couldn't do it anymore. So one day, he decided to just end it. Truly believing nobody will miss him, truly believing he isn't loved, just wishing to meet you again and end all this pain.


The first few months, no, years, were tough. She struggled, a lot. But with the support of friends and family, she slowly began doing better. She will always visit your grave once a week. If she misses it, she will feel awful and immediately rush to your grave, chuckling out how she's sorry for being late while telling you what she did this week. On the outside it looks as if she was finally over your death and able to move on, but of course that isn't so, she would never get over your death and move on. She will always love you, whether you are in the ground or standing aside her doesn't matter, she will always love you. She just knows she can't mope around all her life, she knows you would want to see her laugh and have fun.


He now always had his dogs with him 24/7. Without you around, he felt lonely, so he used to dogs to stop that feeling. The first few weeks, whenever he was alone, he would cry, blaming himself for what happened so the dogs had to comfort him. He didn't have anyone besides his dogs that cared for him like you did, he had to go through all of this alone. He hurt so many people, and he simply refused to accept help, claiming he can do this on his own. But sometimes, when he began thinking too much and freaking out, he would get a panick attack, needing the dogs again to comfort him. Eventually after a few years, it all calmed down and he didn't need the dogs 24/7. He still needed them for comfort sometimes at night when he began realizing how much he misses you or how cold the bed is without you. Sometimes when he does something exciting, he will turn to his side with a grin, happily asking what you thought of that only for his grin to fall when he remembers you aren't here anymore and awkwardly look back forward.


He tried to stop drinking, but the withdrawal symptoms were so bad so he turned to a lot of booze to stop these withdrawal symptoms. Eventually Nadia had to fire him because he couldn't perform his job anymore. She bought him a house in the countryside, hoping that if he gets away from the people and where you died, it might help him get better. But it didn't, he just laid in bed the whole day, only getting out to buy booze. She tried to talk sense into him but he would just break into tears and cry out he can't move on because the pain in his heart is too much and he can't handle it anymore. So he just lived his life as a person addicted to booze, each day wondering why he does this to himself. Each time he wanted to move on, he would crash again. So he lived in a loop each day. Wake up; drink; drink; buy more booze when it's up; drink more; wonder why he does this to himself; try to get his life in order; at the first since of failure, stop and turn to booze: repeat.


He became more gruesome. He started fights at every chance, tortured more people, he destroyed buildings, lands, even going as far to destroy a few realms. He would challenge another arcana to a fight. The only reason he is refusing to die is because if he's gone, there will be no one to take care of your corpse and keep it clean. Only he is allowed to your corpse, if someone else even dares to think they can, he will squeeze their neck till it snaps.

The Arcana x Reader Scenarios {Book One} {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now