When you get injured

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You tried to do a spell but it backfired and you accidently burned yourself. Asra was fast aside you when he heard your scream of pain. He was very fast to drag you to the bathroom, where medicine was. He will be very quiet so he can concentrate on fixing your hand and stop the pain. When he's finished, he will give you a kiss and say to be more careful next time you cast a spell. For a whole month whenever you did a spell he would be at your side, making sure you don't get hurt.


She will worriedly ask what happened while checking your injury. While you explain how you got the wound, she will tell Portia to get some bandages and some medicine. When she's done wrapping the bandage around the wound, she will give it a soft kiss before asking if you feel better. She will stay aside you the whole day, making sure you don't injure yourself again.


Since he's a doctor he knows how to deal with the injury. Of course he will first freak out that you got yourself injured. When he's done fixing the wound, he will ask you to be more careful before giving your temple a kiss to make you feel better.


When your injured he will pick you up and hurry back home. Inanna will cuddle you to cheer you up while Muriel gets stuff to heal your injury. When he's done bandaging your wounds, he will sit behind you and hug you tightly, mumbling you're so clumsy for getting injured.


She will panic at the sight of the injury then scold you for getting yourself hurt while washing your injury from the dirt around it. When she's finished taking care of you, she will sigh and say you made her worry so much before giving you a hug and chuckling, asking how that even happened.


He will immediately ask who he has to go murder. When you tell him you accidently fell and hurt yourself, he will laugh at you while calling a doctor to get it fixed. When the wound is bandaged, he will give it kisses while also making fun of you for falling and hurting yourself.


He will just sigh then put his wine and book away before treating the wound. He will be silent, only opening his mouth to scold you or drink his wine. When he's finished he will tell you to be more careful next time before continuing to drink and read his book.

The Arcana x Reader Scenarios {Book One} {FINISHED}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt