When you sit on their lap

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He will just chuckle then hug your waist, telling you what he's doing while continuing to do whatever he was doing. Now and then he would tiredly put his head on your shoulder and close his eyes for a few minutes. When he wakes up again, he will give your neck a kiss before asking you to get off.


She will just chuckle, amused. She will hug your waist and put her chin on your shoulder, telling you how stupid or lazy some of the courtiers are and how they barely get any work done. After a while her legs will start to get tired so she will politely ask you to get off.


He will begin stuttering in whatever he was saying and blush then cough, trying to focus on what he was saying. He will keep his hands at his chest, unsure if he can hug your waist or not but when he finally gets used to it, he will wrap his arms around you, saying bad yet funny jokes.


He will just stare in shock with a bright red face. When he asks why your sitting on his lap, you will just chuckle and ask if you can't sit on his lap. He will just huff and frown, still blushing. It's not that he hates it, he just finds it weird. But after a while he got used to it and held your hip so you won't fall off his legs.


She usually would pull you on her legs just for fun or when she can see your jealous. She would pull you on her lap and assure you you have nothing to be jealous about. She will be fast to push you off though since her legs will start to hurt after a few minutes.


He loves to pull you on his lap and hearing your surprised yelp. He loves to have you on his lap in front of other people to show them who you belong to. He will usually start kissing your neck, his hand playing with the end of your shirt. When you ask if you can get off since you have other things to do, he will just decline and hug you tightly so you can't escape.

The Arcana x Reader Scenarios {Book One} {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now