When you cook for them

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I'm doing this scenario because I wanted a break from the mental illness/disorders scenarios. Which, no, you cannot request for mental illness/disorders because I already have many and I'm not planning to do EVERY mental illness/disorder out there because there are many. (And some I just don't feel comfortable writing or confident enough to write about.)

Requested by: LeeKumiHo


He loves coming back from journeys to smell food and see you cooking him food. He will cuddle you from behind while you cook. He will keep stealing some pieces of food when you aren't looking. When you scold him, he will use the excuse that he's tired and is starving.


She doesn't want you to bother yourself with such things when she has people to do it. But if you cook her something, she will be very touched and gladly eat it, even if it's bad.


At first he always cooked, wanting to wake you up with delicious food, but instead you woke up with the food burned. So you cook while he rants on about theories he has and weird stuff he got himself into.


He always makes breakfast and you make dinner. Lunch depends on who wants to cook or who is least busy. Muriel likes it this way and you didn't see any issues with it so agreed to do it this way. Muriel likes to eat your food so he's always looking forward to dinner, sometimes he will act as if he's busy just so you will make lunch and he can eat more of your food.


It's one of her favorite activities to cook together. She while be joking around, sometimes singing and dancing around, forcing you to join her silly dancing. When you tell her not to dance with a knife in hand, she will just chuckle and say nothing bad will happen.


He won't let you lift a finger. You want to cook? Nope, the best chefs in Vesuvia will make you two food.


When he comes home and sees you cooking, it makes him happy. Coming home to his lover making him food is a nice thing to have. He won't hesitate to tell you if your food is bad or if you need to add more spices or something else.

I won't do social anxiety because there isn't much to write besides the sentence "He/She will take you away from whatever is causing you to be anxious and comfort you."

The Arcana x Reader Scenarios {Book One} {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now