When your eyes are red and they think it's the plague

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I made a Fallout 4 x Reader scenario book, so if you're interested, please give it a read.

Requested by: JJ_Bagel

There are many reasons your eyes could go red, so I'm not gonna say why your eyes went red.


He entered your room, and the second he saw those eyes, he felt his chest tighten and fear run through his whole body. He didn't realize he was trembling so much till you took his hands, worriedly asking what wrong is. He ignored your question and took your face, staring at your eyes before sighing, dropping his forehead against yours, whispering to tell him it's not the plague. When you told him why your eyes are red, he felt so relieved it wasn't the plague and held you tightly, saying you scared him so much.


She let out a gasp when she saw your eyes, asking you what wrong is with your eyes. When you told her what wrong is and assured her it's not the plague, she put her hand on her chest, saying she can still feel her heart beating ten times faster. When you apologized, she gave your temple a kiss, saying there is no need to apologize.


He was quick to run to you, roughly taking your face, forcing your eyes wider open. When you said he's hurting your eyes, he was quick to let go, whispering he's sorry before he asked you if you have any other symptoms. When you shook your head, he was sure it wasn't the plague so he let out a sigh, saying he's so happy to hear that before he softly stroked around your eyes, apologizing for so roughly opening your eyelids.

Muriel: (It's Muriel's birthday~)

He was quick to drop the firewood and take your hand, saying Julian can help. When you asked with what, he said the plague. You couldn't help but smile as you softly took his hand, making him release his tight grip on your hand, telling him to calm down because it isn't the plague and you aren't gonna die. He stared before asking if you're sure. After you told him why your eyes are red, he calmed down before he picked up the firewood, mumbling to get your eyes checked because that doesn't look healthy.


She was quick to ask what wrong is while taking your face in her hands, eyeing your eyes. When you told her why your eyes are so red, she let out a long sigh of relief, saying she assumed the worst so she's happy to hear it isn't the plague. She gave your cheek a kiss, chuckling out never to scare her like that again.


He knew it wasn't the plague, if it was, your eyes would look similar like his. Even though your eyes were red, they weren't the plague type of red. He chuckled and said that still managed to scare him though. When you raised your eyebrow, asking what he's talking about, he just gave you a smile, saying nothing important and just thinking out loud.


He lost his grip on his wine glass. When you asked him what wrong is, he pointed at your eyes, unable to find his voice. You were confused but then understood what he meant so assured him it isn't the plague and told him what happened to your eyes instead. He sighed as he rubbed his temple, saying one day you're gonna successfully give him a heart attack with all this weird, scary, dangerous stuff you keep doing. When you mumble it's not as if you want your eyes to be red and have people stare, he just nod, saying he knows before he called a servant to come pick up the broken glass.


He knew it wasn't the plague. He took your chin, moving your head, examining your eyes, curiously asking what you did to your eyes. When you told him what happened, he couldn't help but chuckle, finding this amusing, saying you can pull off the red eyes look.

The Arcana x Reader Scenarios {Book One} {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now