When you're insecure about yourself

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I'M SO HAPPY! This is chapter 50! Wow, I made so many chapters, I'm so proud of myself. Normally I always get bored writing a book at chapter 40, but I really LOVE writing for this book, probably my favorite book to write for. So I just wanted to thank everyone for the support and leaving such funny, nice/lovely comments.

I'm SO CONFUSED! I remember writing this, I really do. So either I once wrote this and deleted it for whatever reason, or I made this for another book. I really remember writing for Muriel one of these, but for some reason IT DOESN'T EXIST AND I HAVE BEEN CONFUSED FOR HOURS!

Requested by: i_love_unicorns13


The second he sees those eyes of yours that clearly say you're thinking bad about yourself, he will immediately close the shop, wrap you up in a blanket before giving you your favorite drink and asking what wrong is. Both will sit on the bed, talking about insecurities. He will smile and say everyone has insecurities, even he, so you shouldn't be too harsh on yourself. He will comfort you with nice, kind words and cuddles, sometimes he will kiss you all over your face till you're giggling so he's certain you're happy again.


She will frown, not able to see this flaw you see before making you sit down and making you talk about it and why you feel so insecure. When you're done talking, she will smile and take your hand, giving it a kiss before telling you you're amazing, even if you can't see it. She will always be ready to drop work and comfort you when you feel insecure.


He will just stare before gasping and saying you cannot think like that about your beautiful self before picking you up and dropping you on the sofa or bed and asking what wrong is, immediately sitting like a therapist and acting very serious. While you tell him what you think is insecure about yourself, he will listen closely before pouting, getting upset you feel this way about yourself before he cuddles you, telling you to stop thinking this way about yourself and encouraging you that you're beautiful and can do anything.


He has many insecurities, so he knew how you felt. When you say you're fat, he just mumbles he loves your fat. When you say you're ugly, he will mumble you're beautiful. When you say you can't do anything good, he will mumble you can do anything better than him. He mumbles the words because he is unsure if his words would even help to cheer you up or just make you annoyed. The only time he yelled was when he heard you mumble in the other room you should just kill yourself. He was quick to grip your face and yell with tears in his eyes to never say such a thing again or even think about it.


She is always making you feel wonderful about yourself, always praising you every second she gets. She just loves making you feel wonderful about yourself. The second a negative thought comes, it's as if it's her sixth sense because she just bursts in the room and begins praising you and kissing you.

Lucio: (Remember, the reader is whatever species you want them be. So if you want them to be a half-dragon, half-human, then they're exactly like. If you want the reader to be a god, then they're a god. I just write the scenarios with a blank-slated reader, it's your job to make up how the reader looks and acts.)

His lover thinking awful about their body or their talents? Fuck no! He will immediately begin ranting on about how amazing you are and how cute and beautiful while doing weird hand signs to gesture how amazing your spells also are. If you (or your OC) for some weird reason has wings or a tail, he will immediately begin pull them and yelling these are so badass. He will make sure to check up on you every few hours and make sure you're happy and not being insecure.


He will just sip his wine, narrowing his eyes at you, judging if you're insecure or just grumpy. When he has confirmed you're thinking negative, he will hand you his wine and tell you to stop it. When you ask him stop what, he will just narrow his eyes and say thinking negative about yourself since in his eyes you're amazing and you shouldn't look down on yourself like that. So to cheer you up, he will cuddle you on the bed, he will stroke your body in a soothing, comforting manner while giving the top of your head kisses, mumbling praises.

The only thing I kept thinking while writing this was "I DEFINITELY WROTE THIS ONCE!" So can anyone tell me if you ever read this chapter in my book before and Wattpad just deleted it for no reason like they did a few times to my older books, or if it is just me being insane and having once written it but never published it?

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