About what you two argue

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I got Tumblr. It's nothing special but my friend asked if I had it and I remember I still had an old Tumblr page. Same username as on every site I have, Curseblood17. I will just post some scenarios from this book and some of my other books on there so people on Tumblr can also enjoy them.

I might do some one-shots,Vikings and Pokemon scenarios on there if you're interested in those three things.

Requested by: galaxyingenue


He and you don't argue, only because whenever an argument is about to break out, he will calmly say he didn't mean it that way or explain his opinion. If you start to argue, he will usually say he has no clue why you want to argue and/or will speak to you again if you can calmly talk to him about whatever you're about to argue about before walking away. So when you do calm down, he will return and ask what you wanted to talk about then both calmly talk about this with no argument breaking out.


When she had a VERY stressful day, she will start arguing just to take out stress. Of course afterwards when she realizes what she did, she will be quick to apologize, holding you while giving your forehead kisses, saying she didn't mean anything she said and it was just the stress getting to her.


He doesn't want to argue but sometimes wrong words will spill out his mouth and start an argument by accident. Usually he will try to tell you he didn't mean it, but you will just ask why the hell he said it then, to which he just nervously looks around for help. After the argument he will follow you in awkward silence, saying he's sorry and how he didn't mean it every five minutes.


The only time he will argue is when you are about to do something stupid that can put you in danger. He will nervously and worriedly try to make you see what you're about to do is stupid and dangerous. But if you really want to do it, he will give up and go along to make sure you're gonna be okay.


When you moved in to her place there was a lot of arguing with each other's life styles and how things and rules in the house should be. Besides that, arguments usually don't happen since she respects everyone's opinions. She will say her opinion back and what she thinks of it, but she will never argue with you over anything stupid.


A lot of arguing goes on between you two. Why? Because he likes to argue over silly things. He once began an argue with how about how a tomato is a vegetable just to laugh at how you angry yell back it's a fruit. He just enjoys your angry replies and how hard you try to prove he's wrong only to give up when he doesn't give up on the argument.


He will argue about any small thing he doesn't like that you do. He will only stop arguing till you say he's correct and stop doing whatever is annoying him. Sometimes he will realize what he's arguing about is stupid, but of course he won't admit it and just keep arguing till you say he's right.

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