When you get injured so their Arcana takes care of you

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Requested by: Kuno0014


The Magician asked you very weird questions about your relationship with Asra, even asking if he's a good kisser, while he took care of your wound. When you said that's none of his business, he shrugged and said he's just curious. When Asra arrived, he couldn't help but chuckle, already knowing the Magician asked you weird questions when he saw your face. He asked you if you are okay, checking the wound before he thanked the Magician for helping you. Asra took your hand before saying you both have to leave. When the Magician teasingly asked if you two don't want to stay for dinner, Asra just gave him an amused smile before you both walked away to go back home.


The High Priestess was very polite and kind, even giving you new clothes to change into since your old ones were covered in blood due to the wound. While waiting for Nadia, she offered you some tea. When Nadia entered, she was quick to ask you if you are okay. When you nod, she let out a relieved sigh before greeting the High Priestess, thanking her for taking care of you. The High Priestess offered Nadia some tea, but Nadia politely declined, saying you both better get home quickly or else you will both miss dinner, and you really need your strenght back and also need to rest now that you are injured.


The Hanged Man kept mocking you for getting injured while on the battlefield. When you yelled you are dying and need his help, he sighed but said he will help you, but he wants something in return. When you teasingly asked if he wants bird food, he glared before saying if you make one more joke like that, he will leave you to die. He took your arm and you two were suddenly in a safe area, where he began taking care of your wound. When you asked him why he wears that rope thing, asking if he has some rope kink, he glared before focusing on the wound again. When Julian arrived, the Hanged Man said he owns him a lot for this before he vanished. Julian gave you a confused expression, not sure why the Hanged Man said that to him, but you just gave him a smile and told him not to worry.


Neither Muriel nor the Hermit speak a lot, so it was very silent. When you awkwardly said the wound still hurts, Hermit offered some herbs. Muriel glared, suspicious of the herbs but did not speak. When the Hermit said Muriel has nothing to be so worried about because he wouldn't poison you, Muriel just frowned, mumbling whatever. When you both had to leave, you gave the Hermit a hug, thanking him before leaving. When far away, Muriel mumbled in an annoyed tone you didn't have to hug him. When you smiled and said he was too fluffy not to do so, Muriel frowned but did not speak further about it.


Star was more than happy to help you out. When Portia entered, Star happily greeted her before offering you two some cupcakes and drinks. So you three all just ate cupcakes, drinking and talking. Portia would sometimes check the wound to make sure it's still okay and not infected before giving your cheek a kiss, praising you for being so strong. When you said you are mostly still alive and okay because Star took care of you. Portia happily thanked Star, even giving her a hug. Star happily hugged her back, saying of course she would help you out when you are injured. When you two had to leave, Portia said goodbye, promising she will come visit again soon and the next time, she will bake some cupcakes then.


It was very awkward, being saved by the humanoid goat who wants to see you all fail and suffer. So while the Devil healed you, he stabbed his finger in the wound, enjoying the pained yelp you let out. When you tried to punch him while cursing at him, he innocently asked you if that is the way to speak to your saviour. When Lucio entered, he was quick to pull out his sword, telling the Devil to get away from you. When the Devil was away from you, Lucio gave you a tight hug, asking you if you are okay, worriedly eyeing the wound. When you nod, he was quick to take your hand and drag you to the exit. The Devil teasingly asked if he isn't gonna say goodbye, which Lucio just ignored.


It was very weird... You sat on Hierophant's sofa, covered in blood, awkwardly holding a glass of wine, which he had poured for you, while he sat opposite you, staring at you, sipping his wine, asking the most random questions. When Valerius entered, he immediately rushed to you and gave you a hug, asking if you are okay. When you nod and said Hierophant helped you and even gave you wine, Valerius took the wine from you, mumbling not to get drunk while injured before awkwardly thanking the Hierophant for taking care of you before saying he will take you home now. Hierophant just nod, saying a goodbye so you and Valerius left in a hurry.


When he heard you got injured on the battlefield, he teleported aside you, gave you the most unimpressed eyes before picking you up bridal style and teleported back home. He put you on your bed before asking if you are dumb. When you said fighting is hard, he just sighed before telling you to bite down on something because he's gonna fix the wound. When he fixed the wound with magic, he told you to wait for a second before he vanished. When he returned, he wore a smile, wiping his bloody hands clean with a tissue, calmly saying you won't have to worry about that fight anymore.

The Arcana x Reader Scenarios {Book One} {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now