When you pat their head

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Sometimes he will lay down, putting his head on your lap, hoping you will stroke and pat his head while he reads his book. When you begin patting and stroking his head, he is quick to accidentally fall asleep due how relaxing it feels.


Her eyes will widen, surprised at the sudden pat but then she will chuckle, thanking you for the sweet gesture before she continues whatever she was doing.


He will let out a nervous chuckle, a blush forming on his face as he takes your hand, asking why you pat his head. When you teasingly said because he's a good boy, his face immediately exploded into bright red, asking in stutters why you would say such a thing.


He will frown while a blush forms, asking why you did that. When you shrugged and said for fun, he will frown but focus on whatever he was doing, letting you having fun patting his head. If you struggle to pat his head, he will lean down, mumbling with a massive blush you better don't think he's enjoying it.


She will laugh, saying that surprised her before she pats your head to return the favor, saying you're so cute when you do weird things like this.


Sometimes at work, he will get stressed which results in him shouting at servants and throwing things, so you will pat his head, telling him he's doing a good job so he doesn't have to stress so much. He will blush but mumble a thank you for the praise before calming down and returning to calmly working.

Valerius: (Someone said I need to stop mentioning him drinking his wine all the time. Yeah, no, not gonna happen. I love mentioning it, it's one of my favorite things to write, along with Muriel being a blushing mess and the Devil being, well, the Devil.)

He will freeze mid-sip before lowering his glass, slowly looking at you before he asked what the hell you think you're doing. When you smiled and said patting his head, he just hummed before continuing drinking, letting you be your weird self.


He will just chuckle, leaning down a little so you can pat his head with ease. When you asked if he likes it, he nod, saying if it makes you happy, it makes him happy. He will only angrily take your hand when you pat his head in a manner that made him feel belittled.

The Arcana x Reader Scenarios {Book One} {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now