When they're jealous

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Requested by: MariaGuerrero486


He will stand behind you, glare at the person before giving you a smile and a kiss, taking your hand and saying you two should go. When you ask why, he will just drag you away without saying anything.


She will frown but try to be polite. She will take two wine glasses before walking over, smiling before offering the second glass to you, sipping her glass. When you take it, thanking her, she will smile and say, "Anything for you, dear." She can't help but give the person a smug smirk that clearly said "They are already taken by me."


He will frown before walking over, hugging you from behind before asking who this is. While you introduce the person, Julian will give them a glare and mouth the words "I will murder you if you touch my lover". You were confused when the person got a look of fear so when you asked what wrong is, Julian just glared more so the person said a hurried "Nothing, see you around", before running away. You got even more confused when Julian began snickering, hugging you tighter while giving your neck and cheek kisses.


He will storm over, pick you up, glare at the person you were talking to before storming away, angry muttering to himself how that person shouldn't touch you and should stay away.


She will be debating whether to storm over and drag you away or be nice and calmly walk over and see who that person is. She usually goes for the calm approach. But if that person is touching you, she will storm over, say your hers before dragging you away, muttering how some people need to learn manners and how to keep their hands to themselves.


He will want to execute the person who is being way too friendly to you, but he knew you would be angry so he will just storm over and have a make-out session with you to show the person who you belong to.


Will stand behind you, glaring daggers at the person till they get so uncomfortable they have to leave. When you turn around, confused to why they suddenly left, Valerius will give you an innocent smile before sipping his wine.

The Arcana x Reader Scenarios {Book One} {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now