When someone tries to assault you

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My life is at the moment very stressful and busy, and the fact I just found out my grandfather has cancer certainly does not help with this stress, so I do apologize if updates are slow and the writing is bad.

WARNING: THIS IS ABOUT ASSAULT, so if it brings bad memories for you, I suggest you just skip this chapter. I won't go into detail or say what assault you go through, but this can still be very scary/traumatizing for some people, so read it only if you're comfortable reading about it.

My manipulative ex forced me to kiss him, I was almost murdered by a teenager who had a weird love/hate relationship with me, another ex kept threatening to kill me if I broke up with him and forced me to also kiss him, I was bullied, etc... I know other people also had these experiences of almost being assaulted or being assaulted, so I thought of this chapter and I hope this chapter can somehow make them feel better.


He will use a spell to scare away the person. If they aren't scared away, he will get angry they dare still stand near you before he uses a spell to harm the person. He will only stop when you grip his arm, telling him not to kill someone since you don't want him to land in jail. He will give you a smile before assuring you he won't kill anyone before telling you to go get the guards. He will keep the person in place while you go search for guards to come arrest the person. For the rest of the day, Asra kept checking in on you, asking if you're okay and giving you hugs and kisses to comfort you.


She will gasp, shocked someone would try to assault someone before she gets furious. She will shout at the person while calling over guards to arrest this person. When the guards took the person away, Nadia will turn to you before worriedly taking your hands, asking if you're okay and assuring you the person is away so it's okay now. She gave you a bodyguard whenever you went outside so they could protect you for when someone tries to assault you again.


If the person has a knife, he will just take the knife in his hand, not caring for the blade before taking it and threatening the person with it. He really wanted to stab the person in the chest, but he knew that would only land him in jail and he didn't want to be without you, so he told you to go get the guards. While you were away, Julian angrily ranted about how this person is stupid for thinking he wouldn't protect you and how he would give his life if it means you get to be safe. When the guards dragged the man away, Julian stuck his tongue out to the person before yelling he hopes he gets the death sentence before he gives you a big bear hug, assuring you he will always protect you so you have nothing to fear. If you are shaken and still scared by the encounter, he will take you to your favorite place so you can have fun and try to forget what happened. He assured you a lot that everything is okay now and how he will always protect you. He didn't leave your side for weeks and was always looking around when you both went outside, making sure nobody tries to assault you again.


He will take the person's arm, twist it behind their back so fast it breaks their arm before he pushed the person away, glaring daggers and muttering he promised to never kill again but he will make an exception if that person dares to try to assault you ever again. When the person was out of sight, he was quick to turn, worry filled in his eyes as he asked if you're okay while checking your body for any injuries. When you assured him you're okay, he let out a sigh before hugging you, whispering he thought something awful was gonna happen to you.


She will take the nearest object before slamming it on the person's head, screaming about how she is gonna murder them so you had to hold her back while calling nearby guards to come arrest the person. Portia just pointed at the person, shouting at the guards about how this person should not even be fed while in jail because he tried to do such an awful thing. When the person left with the guards, you had to calm Portia down. When she was calmed down, she let out a groan and said she should have hit them harder before asking you if you're okay. When you nod, she gave you a hug before taking your hand and both walked home.


Ow, that person is fucked. The second he sees someone tries to assault, he will immediately pull out his sword before holding it to the person's neck, shouting if they don't back up he's gonna give them a slow death. If they walk away, he will still stab them because they tried to assault you before arresting them so he can watch them rot in a cell. If they don't walk away, he will not hesitate to stab them in the chest. When you yell he can't just kill someone, he will just say he's the count so he can do whatever he wants, and the person tried to assault you so he has every right as a boyfriend to protect his lover, even if that means killing someone.


He was quick to drop his wine before pulling you behind him to protect you before calling nearby guards over. When the person tried to run, he took made them trip before pushing his foot on their head, saying if they try to run he will stomp down. When the guards took away the person, Valerius picked up his broken wine glass with a sigh before getting up and mumbling you own him a wine glass. He will take your hand in a soft grip, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles in a way that said it's okay now before walking home.


He will kill them with no second thoughts in a very slow and gruesome death. If any person dares hurt you, or even attempt to, he will kill them without caring if it's illegal or not. But he will always make sure to kill them out of your sight so you don't get scared of him or get nightmares. When he's done killing and you ask what happened to the person, he will just give you an innocent smile before saying you won't be seeing them ever again so you have nothing to worry about.

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