If you play an instrument

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Some of you ask if you can draw my scenarios, you can, but please mention me! Of course you don't have to, but it would be helpful, it helps me get "recognized" and will help me see what you drew. And I really do want to see what you all draw, I think drawings are so fun/beautiful to look at and I love commenting on people's art. So please, do mention that you got the idea from my scenario book.

Requested: historyenthusiast75

This was rather short so sorry for that.


He loves when you play him a song on your instrument. He will just sit aside you, holding Faust and listening with a big, proud smile. When you finish, he will clap his hands and say you're amazing.


She knows how to play piano so if you can also play piano, both will spend many hours playing songs together on the piano, cracking jokes when everyone of you hits the wrong tile.


When he hears you playing your instrument, he will immediately pull out his vielle and start playing along. Usually you both have little wars to see who can play the best or longest songs on your instruments.


If he's stressed or panicking, just pull out your instrument and play him a calm song to calm him down. Usually he will sit/stand close to you and stare at you, admiring your talent.


She will dance along or sing some song along with it. So whenever you play a song on your instrument, she will laugh and have fun.Afterwards she will collapse aside you, laughing and saying she's exhausted now.


He will definitely make you play your instrument during parties. He will silly dance to it, mostly to make you laugh. Sometimes he will take one of the dogs front paws and make them dance with him.


He likes when he can drink his wine and you play a calm song in the background on your instrument. It relaxes him after a stressful day.

(I got a new computer so I'm sorry if anything is weird. I'm still getting used to the new keyboard and the new writing software I'm using.)

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