If you have a tail/ears/claws

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Of course you can decide yourself how your tail, ears or/claws look. You can decide if you have them all three or only one or two of these features, I simply put them in one chapter to make it easy for me and not waste three chapters when I can just put them in one. (If you don't understand the waste chapters thing, you can only have 200 chapters in a book, so I don't wish to waste chapters when I can just squeeze them together into one chapter, which will also result in me giving you more content.)

I'm not gonna do one of these for each feature since I don't like writing scenarios where the MCs appearance is mentioned, I just know MANY people have OCs with features like these (tails, wings, ears, etc...), that is the only reason I accepted the requests.

Requested by: angelfly54 and princess_olkari28


Sometimes he will tap your ear, chuckling when your ear went away from his finger. Other times he will use your tail as a pillow while he reads. When you tell him not to use your tail, he will snuggle it, saying it's too soft to refuse. When you playfully slapped his head to signal he's weird, accidentally cut his forehead with your claw so were quick to apologize, but he just laughed it off, saying it's okay as he left to go clean the cut and make sure it doesn't get infected. Then he returned, perfectly fine, and sat back down before using your tail as a pillow again before he continued to read his book.


When she's stressed, she will pet your tail, claiming it relaxes her. When you shiver, she will chuckle and apologize. When you accidentally scratched her, she let out a gasp of shock at the sudden sting before smiling, saying this is okay and accidents happen. When she notices your ears go into an alert position, she is quick to also become alert, before relaxing when your ears relaxed. She trusts your hearing, so if you say you hear something dangerous, she will believe you and alert some guards of the danger you heard.


He let out a long gasp before crouching down and hugging your tail, happily saying this is so soft and stuffing his face against the tail. When you threatened to cut him with your claws if he keeps tugging so rough since it hurts, he hide his face in your tail, refusing to show his face because he now has a massive blush at what you just said to him.


He stared before curiously petting your tail and ears before he crouched down and pet Inanna's ears and tail. Then he took your claws and inspected them before he took Inanna's and inspected her claws. When you asked what he's doing, he mumbled trying to see what is different between you two before he told you how your tail, claws and ears are different from hers.


She let out a gasp before squeezing your tail, saying this is so cool before she took your claws, excitedly saying this is so badass before she scratched your ears, saying this is so cute. Sometimes when you are sitting down, she will sneak up behind you before petting your ears, enjoying the way you tense then relax and push your head against her hands, wanting more of the soothing/relaxing feeling. She can't help but laugh, thinking you remind her so much of Pepi.


When he's angrily pacing around the room while you are trying to sleep, he will huff and flop down on the bed before cuddling your tail, saying he needs comfort from your tail. When you pinch his ear, telling him not to suddenly hug your tail, he will whine your claws hurt before he grins and says he wonders if there is a kink with a tail or claws. When your ears stood up straight from their relaxed position, he spend minutes laughing, having forgotten all his troubles and finding your ears immediately standing up in alert one of the funniest things he ever seen.


He hates your tail. Everywhere he goes, the fur of your tail is everywhere. Once he found some in his wine. He didn't touch wine for a week because he was so disgusted at the thought he might have accidentally drank some of your fur. When you are stressed, he will scratch your ears in a soothing way till you are calmed down, then he will stop.


He will chuckle, saying you now also have ears and claws. When you gasped and asked if he has a tail, trying to look behind him to see his tail, he refused to show it, claiming his tail isn't the scariest thing about him and he knows you would definitely find it cute and think he's not so scary anymore so he keeps it hidden. When you said you showed him your tail so he has to show his, he gave you a forced smile and said he can rip out your tail so you better watch what you say before he calmly walked away as if he did not just threaten you.

The Arcana x Reader Scenarios {Book One} {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now