When they make you your favorite snack

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When he has some free time and feels in the mood to make something, he will make you your favorite snack. When you grin and thank him, he will chuckle and say it was no problem before placing the plate in front of you. When Faust tries to steal a piece, Asra will pick her up, saying he made that specially for you but he will make something for her as well.


She suddenly got very hungry in the night, so she went to the kitchen and made a little midnight snack. But as she did, she realized this is your favorite snack so she made another one for you before she went to you. If you are sleeping, she will put it on your nightstand and hope you will wake up soon. If you are awake, she will give you a smile and say she thought you might also want one before handing it to you.


He will try, but it's either burned, not made well, too doughy, etc... He will apologize many times, stuttering out you don't have to eat it since it's awful. But when you eat it and say it's not that bad and you are still very thankful, he will blush before determinedly saying he will get cooking lessons from Portia so he can make you the best snacks in the world.


You can tell he's in a good mood when he randomly puts a plate with your favorite snack down, a blush on his cheeks as he says an excuse as to why he made you this. When you give him a smile and thank him, his blush will grow bigger as he mumbles no problem.


She likes cooking, so when she notices you are getting hungry, she will immediately go to the kitchen and begin making you your favorite snack. Even if the work is hard, it's worth it when she sees you smile and hears you happily thank her.


He was in a good mood and he had some free time so he thought he should give it a try. He started happy and patient, but it turned to chaos real quick when he realized he can't cook and has no idea how to do this. So he kind of just threw things together, angrily threw a pot away when it was in his way, yelling he only ever seen his mother cook. So at the end you got no snack because he was too busy lying on the bed, cuddling you, pouting and whining about how hard life is and that making snacks isn't as easy as it looks. When you mumble it is, he will glare up at you and say you shouldn't disagree with him but agree before he continued cuddling you and whining.


He does weird sweet things for you whenever he gets drunk, and making you your favorite snack is one of those. When you tell him you don't need it and he needs to go to bed and sober up, he will refuse, claiming you are a sweetheart so you deserve it.


He never cooked a day in his life, he always had people to do such silly, boring jobs for him. So when you begged him to make you your favorite snack, he groaned but went. He mostly went because he was so bored and didn't have anything else to do. While in the kitchen, he stared at the packaging of an ingredient and eyeing the name of the ingredient many times for a long time so you curiously asked if he can read, to which he growled out in an annoyed tone that he can read fine but none of these damn things make any sense and he never cooked so he has no clue what to do. So in the end, you taught him how to cook meat and make snacks.

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