When there is a fire

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Thank you everyone who commented on the previous chapter and for answering my questions. For those who are worried, don't worry, that all took place years ago. I have been doing fine and I'm perfectly safe now.


He was quick to take your arm and pull you behind him, telling you to focus and help him put this fire out. Both used a water spell to put out the fire. When it was out, he gave your cheek a kiss, telling you you did a good job staying calm and focusing.


She will gasp, telling you to get away from the fire and not do anything foolish. She yelled for servants and that there is a fire. When you said you can use a water spell, she frowned but then sighed and said only if it doesn't put you in danger. When you put it out, she gave you a hug and your temple a kiss, saying that sudden fire scared her.


He just picked you up without thinking and hurried away from the fire. Then he put you down, telling you to stay safe before he ran back to the fire. After he managed to put it out, he happily said it's safe now. When you said he burned his hand, he just shrugged and said it will heal in a few seconds so no need to worry before he worriedly asked you if you are okay. When you nod, he gave you a hug and said that's very good to hear.


He would first protect you, but he knows putting out the fire is more important because it can start a forest fire so he will push you to safety as he hurries to put out the fire. When it was out, he awkwardly asked you if you are okay and if he hurt you. When you chuckled and said such a push won't hurt you, he still looked sorry as he mumbled sorry for pushing you.


She immediately picked up Pepi, screaming for you and that there is a fire. When you rushed in, she yelled to be careful before both rushing out the house. She watched with upset eyes as the fire spread. When you told her to stay back, she did as told and stayed back as you used a spell to cast water over the house, begging this will work and not make it worse before you dropped the water. Portia let out a yelp as the water crashed down, flying every direction. When she looked back at her house, a grin grew on her face when she saw her house wasn't on fire anymore. When you apologized for ruining her house, she shook her head, saying she's just happy you and Pepi are safe and you can both always just buy new furniture.


He will immediately pull you to him, throwing his drink on it, which made it worse. When you yelled alcohol makes fires worse, he yelled back it was a reflex and he couldn't help it before he cursed when the fire spread. He just picked you up and hurried out, yelling at the guards in the hall to do their damn job and keep him safe from that damn fire before he stormed away to go put you somewhere far away from the danger.


He was calmly enjoying his wine when he saw the fire. He stared at it for a few seconds, his tipsy brain trying to process why there is fire in his house before he cursed when he realized there is a fire and jumped up, yelling your name. When you rushed in, he pointed at it, yelling to use your weird magical abilities. When you put it out, he sighed and said he spilled wine all over the sofa. When you used a spell to clean up the spill, he gave you a smile, thanking you for doing both of those things before he sat back down and continued drinking his wine as if nothing happened.


He is quick to tug you behind him to protect you from the flames as he uses a spell to make the flames vanish. When you say the furniture is ruined, he assured you there is no need to worry before he used another spell to fix all the damaged furniture.

The Arcana x Reader Scenarios {Book One} {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now