When you ask for a pet

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Requested by: LvVajv


You love Faust but Asra takes her with him everywhere so you tend to feel lonely without her. When you asked if you can get a snake of your own, Asra felt bad that you felt lonely so he was quick to agree, plus he always wanted to get Faust a friend. 


She loves Chandra, her owl, so when you asked for another pet, she felt bad because she worried Chandra will feel left out. But when you showed the pet you wanted, Chandra liked it so Nadia agreed to having the pet. She loves to watch your pet and Chandra playing. It makes her very happy to see the two getting along.


Malak isn't really Julian's pet, more of a really good friend. Julian always wanted a pet so when you asked for a pet, he immediately agreed and dragged you around to go search for a pet. Both considered many animals. Cats, dogs, crows, even fishes. Eventually both settled on the pet you both wanted. He loves it a lot and always plays with it.


When you asked, he said he wasn't sure and wanted time to think. So after thinking a lot, he agreed to get a pet. You thought he might ignore it but he actually played a lot with it. Inanna at first always went to the pet, sniffing it then went away. Eventually she warmed up to the new creature and plays with it. Muriel was scared Inanna will hurt the pet but when you assured him it's okay, he let Inanna play with the pet.


She was more then happy to get a new cat! She always wanted to get another friend for Pepi. When you asked if she would want a dog, she said she rather get a cat so you both went to go get a cat. Portia will hang out with Pepi a lot so Pepi won't feel left out. Pepi at first was ignoring the new cat, confused to why another cat is in her house, but then began playing with the new cat and they both became friends fast.


He has his two dogs and his collection of exotic pets, Camio being one of them. So when you asked for another, he immediately agreed. When you told him the pet you wanted, he immediately went out and got the best, cutest and healthiest one he could find. He played with it more then you did. He let his dogs and Camio play with it, which made you scared since Camio isn't the nicest bird and the two dogs can roughhouse a lot but Lucio kept insisting it's okay.


You asked him but he said you can have one but he won't play with it a lot since he has a job to do and is not in the mood after his job to have to take care of a pet. You really wanted a pet but he didn't want one. A dog would be too much to take care of, a bird would just annoy him. A cat can take care of itself so you went with a cat. You choose the calmest, not needing a lot of attention and prettiest cat you could find. At first he always ignored the cat but eventually he warmed up to it. You can usually come home to find him sitting down, drinking wine with the cat on his lap.

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