When you say "I hate you" as a joke

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When I wrote this, I imagine the reader saying it in a mean "I hate you!" way to see their reaction, not the teasing "I hate you but I'm joking and you know this" way.


He will just stare, shocked and a bit hurt. He will let out a nervous chuckle, but then just stare, debating whether you really mean it or not. When you say you said it to see his reaction, he will hug you in a tight grip, trying not to cry. When you nervously ask if he's crying, he will sob out he thought you meant it. After a minute, he will mumble you're mean for saying such things and to never say such things to hurt him like that again. The whole day, he kept hugging you and stealing kisses whenever he could.


She will just stare, shocked before she sighs and crosses her arms, scolding you you shouldn't say such things even for a stupid joke. When you ask how she knew it was a joke, she will just chuckle and say she knows you love her too much to ever mean such mean words.


He will freak out, asking what he did wrong, apologizing for anything rude he might have said while drunk. You couldn't even get a word in because he kept ranting on about how he's sorry and asking what he did wrong. So will have to slap your hands on his cheeks, forcing him to shut up, before yelling it was a joke. He will just stare before he dramatically gasps, placing his hand on his chest, asking why you would do that. The whole day you had to do whatever Julian wanted to do as revenge.


He will question everything he ever did and said to you, wondering where it went wrong. He will immediately take your hands, stuttering out how sorry he is and how he will be a better boyfriend to you. When you whisper it was a very bad joke, he will just stare as tears fill his eyes, whispering he thought you meant it. So the whole day you will have to assure him you love him while cuddling him and giving him kisses.

Portia: (I just want to randomly remind people, I have never played her route before so I'm sorry if I get things about her wrong.)

She will get mad, yelling you can't just say such things before she gets upset, asking if you really mean it. When you tell her it's just a joke to see her reaction, she will be furious that you dared say such mean words just to see her reaction. The whole day you had to deal with an angry Portia, who refused to speak to you. So you set up a picnic at her favorite field as sorry.


He will begin laughing for very long till it becomes very awkward, but then it turns creepy as he moves closer, saying not to play such a stupid prank on him ever again. When you nervously nod and say you shall never say that again, he will give you a smile and pat your head, saying "Good boy/girl."


He will cough on his wine before staring at you as if he just seen something horrible. He will sigh and say to not pull such childish pranks on him. He will sip his wine, frowning, wondering if it was a stupid joke or what you really feel. But when you give his cheek a kiss, he can't help but smile, happy you didn't mean those words.

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