What they love about the relationship

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The dates. He loves to take you to various places and take you on dates. Usually their picnics on some beautiful hill. Both will have fun sharing stories and when the night falls, being able to cuddle together and watch the stars. He also loves to show you magic and watch your adorable amazed expressions.


She loves that after work, she can come home to her beautiful, amazing boyfriend/girlfriend. Or if she has too much stress, she loves that she can cuddle against you and hear you say assuring words that she is doing amazing and stroke her hair in a comforting way.


He loves everything about the relationship. You can just open a jar and he will be acting as if you just did the most amazing thing he ever seen. He loves to go to bars and get drunk with you. He loves to help you with whatever you need help with. He can even just sit aside you, doing nothing, and love it.


Just having someone. He didn't think he needed someone but when you came in his life, he realized how much he missed having someone to cuddle when he's sad, sharing a laugh with you when you tell him some stupid joke and just having someone aside him to assure him it's all okay and he's doing amazing.


She loves that she can come home from a rough day of work and be able to have someone to cuddle and laugh with. She loves being able to come to you and forget all her problems and just enjoy the moment with you.


He likes having someone who he can tell all his fears to and not have to be scared they will laugh at him or tell them to someone else, he loves having someone who he can truly trust and hold. But his favorite part of the relationship is the sex. Every chance he gets, he will pin you against a surface and do it, not even caring if it's in public, he will even do it in front of the Devil. If you're wearing something showing a bit of skin or something adorable, he will immediately get horny and want you.


Having someone to drink wine with and watch drama unfold. When people are looking for you two they will usually find you two near a wall, gossiping about whoever is causing drama while sipping wine.

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