When they fall asleep against you

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After a long journey or a tough spell, he will be very exhausted, so he will sit down aside you and lay his head on your shoulder. He means to just rest his head, but it usually ends with him accidentally falling asleep. When he wakes up, he will chuckle and apologize, hoping he didn't drool on you because that would be very embarrassing. When making sure he didn't drool, he will smile and apologize, saying that must have hurt your shoulder to support his head the whole time he slept before he gave your shoulder a kiss, thanking you for not waking him up.


She has a habit to overwork, which means she also has a habit to fall asleep the second she finds a comfortable position while cuddling. When she wakes up, she will blush, apologizing, massaging the place her head was sleeping on to relieve any tension from the place. When you tell her it's okay and she can continue sleeping, she can't help but smile before putting her head on a spot that is also comfortable for you before taking another nap.

Julian: (Reminder; MC is whatever gender you want them to be. The chest thing isn't only for the women, it is also for the men, I just wanted to write something silly because I'm having a tough time so thought writing something silly might cheer me up. And it did~)

He will just chuckle and cuddle you, saying you're so comfortable to sleep on. One time he woke up with his head and his hands on your chest, he immediately blushed and jumped up, yelling apologies and excuses to why he was sleeping with his head and hands on your chest. When you said it's fine, his face exploded into bright red. For a second you thought he was gonna pass out, but instead he hid under the blanket, whispering for an hour about how his lover is so nice, so caring and so fun to sleep on and how he should be ashamed for having slept on your chest and it should be a crime for a chest to be such a comfortable place to sleep against. You think you broke him that evening...


This poor man, he didn't realize he fell asleep, so when he woke up with his head on you, he immediately freaked out, almost tripping over Inanna while rushing off of you, saying he didn't mean to fall asleep on you and embarrassedly babbling about how he must weigh a ton and have hurt you. When you assure him you're okay and he didn't hurt you, he will finally calm down, mumbling he's sorry for falling asleep on you before picking Inanna up and leaving to go sleep somewhere else. A few minutes later, Inanna will walk back in because Muriel didn't want you to be lonely.


She sleeps on you a lot, so when she falls asleep against you, she won't care, she will just pull you closer, claiming you're so comfortable to sleep on. When you tell her you have to go do something, she will clench you tighter, pouting while enjoying a few more seconds of cuddling before letting you go, saying sleeping without you isn't the same. So when you return, she will happily lay her head on you again, returning to her nap.


He doesn't get enough credit for the work he does, so combining the stress of work, his emotions, people not noticing how much he actually does for this place, and half the people not liking him, it can make him very tired because keeping up his usual "everything is okay" attitude can be very exhausting. So when you see him with that sad look in his eyes and how slouched he is, too exhausted to keep his posture straight, will open your arms and he will happily hug you. After sitting down and taking off his arm, he will cuddle you before mumbling maybe he just needs a few minutes of sleep and then he can go back to his normal self. Before you can tell him it's okay to be down sometimes, he's already asleep against you. When he wakes up, he will chuckle, fixing his messy hair, bragging about how he was right that all he needed was just a few minutes of sleep.


He will just look around with a "what the fuck happened" look before groaning and sitting up, saying his neck hurts. When you complain you couldn't move for a half hour because he chose to fall asleep against you, he will just huff and say you could have easily woken him up before he left to go find some wine.


He enjoys having you sit on his lap while he sits on the throne, and sometimes just to annoy you, he will fall asleep with his head on yours, enjoying the complaints you later have when he wakes up about how heavy his head is with those damn horns and how he should go find a bed if he's sleepy. So he will just go back to sleep so he can enjoy your complaining some more when he wakes up.

The Arcana x Reader Scenarios {Book One} {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now