When you are both handcuffed together

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I really want to make a Mafia 2 x Reader Scenarios book, but I'm afraid I will be terrible at writing for the characters. (Maybe I will get better at writing for them after a few chapters, but it's just a little insecure feeling that is making me unsure whether I should write it or not...)

Should I make the book and give it a try or not?


It was a spell that went wrong and the spell made handcuffs appear around your and his wrist. You gave him unimpressed eyes but he just chuckled and said he should have a book around the house that should undo this. He held your hand the whole time as he searched the book. When he undid the spell, he rubbed your wrist, asking you if your wrist is okay.


She let out a long sigh, trying to not get angry over this silly prank someone pulled. You both had a big, intense argument the day before, so Portia's solution to fix this was to handcuff you two so you both have to make up or else the whole day will be very awkward. So Nadia and you talked and made up for the argument the day before and then just spend the day relaxing on the balcony.


It was this idiot's fault. He found some old handcuffs so he put one cuff on your wrist, chuckling before he put one on his. He tried to undo it, only to stare before nervously laughing and tugging harder to open the cuff. When he saw your unimpressed eyes, he nervously laughed more, saying he didn't know it would not reopen. So you were stuck for a few hours as he was using various things to try and open the cuff. Eventually it opened, to which he proudly cheered before worriedly asking if your wrist is okay.


He didn't feel comfortable as he was stuck being so close to you. He loves you and doesn't mind being close to you, but being so close to you the whole day, someone invading his personal space the whole day, made him mentally exhausted and was very stressful for him. So when the handcuffs finally came off, he let out an exhausted sigh, relieved someone isn't invading his personal space anymore.


It was Julian who did it because she had pulled a prank on him a week before. She didn't mind, it gave her an excuse to hold your hand the whole day. It was a bit annoying when she had to cook dinner, but she decided not to complain or get annoyed about it but just laugh it off and make it a fun moment.


He immediately got a smirk, saying he always wanted to try handcuffs in the bedroom before he snickered out he didn't know you would have this kink. When you pinched his hand, he yelped before glaring, telling you not to do this before yelling for a servant to find him the damn key to this stupid cuff because he doesn't feel safe now that you pinched him.


He passed out while drunk and woke up, handcuffed to you. He was very confused before he asked why you did this. When you said you didn't and someone else must have done it, he groaned and said everyone in this damn palace is so childish.


He simply stared at you as you put a cuff on his wrist and one on your own. He asked what you are doing, before sighing when you said he isn't spending time with you so now he has to. Then he moved his arm in a quick movement, snickering when you stumbled and yelled that hurt. He simply took the cuff, snapped it off before saying if you simply ask him to spend time with you, he will, no need to handcuff him to yourself.

The Arcana x Reader Scenarios {Book One} {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now