If you own a horse

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I don't do a PTSD scenario because everyone has different things that traumatize them. Example; I am traumatized by every school I ever went to, but someone else might have gotten abused by a boyfriend, so there is no way I can write such a scenario for everyone since everyone has gone through different things, and I truly do not wish to remind anyone of such horrible times.

NO! I'm not gonna do one for every animal, because that would take forever if I had to do every animal and there is not a lot to write about for such scenarios. And they are kind of boring to write. (I don't even know or remember why I accepted this request...)

Requested by: Wonderland-Wanderers


He will borrow the horse a lot if he has to go on long journeys. You don't mind, as long as he takes good care of it. Faust tried to befriend the horse, but your horse just got scared because of how strange Faust was moving. Luckily after a few weeks they became friends, so if you can't find Faust, just go to your horse and you will find Faust on your horse's back, usually taking a nap.


She didn't think anything too special of it since she owns many horses. Whenever you are about to go for a ride, she will tell you to be careful and make sure to take the safe routes. She has many people making sure your horse is okay and clean, and ready for riding whenever you want to go for a ride.


You're the one who taught him how to ride a horse. He said he has before, but when he got on your horse, he immediately fell when the horse ran. So all you could do was sigh before leaning over him, asking why he would lie. All he did was mumble he has ridden before, just with a lot of falling and struggling. So after a few weeks of teaching him, he finally managed to ride wihout falling off. Both spent a lot of time just riding around for fun.


He was happy to accept a new animal to his collection of animals. He likes to spent most of his time brushing and braiding the horse's hair. Whenever you go for a ride, he will nervously tell you to be careful. He always makes sure the saddle fits and cleaning its hooves.


She seen many horses in the palace, so when you showed her your horse, she immediately got excited. She likes to spent time with you by cleaning the horse or braiding its hair. She leaves the hoove cleaning to you, a bit too nervous to do anything in fear she might hurt the horse, so you taught her how to clean a horse's hooves.


He didn't care, if he wanted to see a horse, he will go to the 100 horses he owns. If you go for a ride, he will just wish you luck before returning to doing his job. He doesn't care much for the horse, the only time he spoke to it was when you fell off the horse so he angrily shouted at the horse about how stupid it is before helping you up and guiding you to the doctor.


He doesn't pay any attention to it, he will wish you luck whenever you go for a ride. One time he got drunk, so he went to the horse and braided its hair. So when you went to the hose the next day, found ribbons and braids in its hair so all you could do was chuckle and let it stay in, finding it rather cute.

Please don't request scenarios like "What animal the reader owns", "What clothes the MC wears" or "What if you're kind/naive/innocent person". Those are all things for you guys yourselves to decide and imagine. That isn't up to me. I personally have a strong HATRED towards scenarios that choose such personal stuff because everyone person is different and likes different things.

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