If you're an artist

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Requested by: suxrnz


When he walks past while you're working on your art, he will curiously lean over your shoulder, staring at the painting before praising your work and giving your temple a kiss, happily saying you're so wonderful at this before he goes back to doing whatever he was doing. When he sees Faust going to get your attention while you're busy, he will pick her up with a chuckle and say she can't interrupt you right now.


She will make sure you don't miss your meals. She will chuckle when you miss a meal, taking your pencil/brush when she can tell you have finished the important parts of your art, telling you to eat and then you can continue. While eating, she will ask you questions about your hobby, loving how excited you look when you answer them.


He has sketchbooks everywhere in the house for you so if you get ideas out of nowhere, you can easily take a nearby book and begin sketching them out. He likes watching you work, he thinks your concentrated face is adorable and funny at the same time. Sometimes he will burst out laughing when you frown when the idea you have isn't going on the paper the way you want, only to cover his mouth and give you innocent eyes when you glare at him for laughing at you.


He always thought your art looked amazing, so he tried it, and it came out as if a toddler drew it. He was embarrassed but you just laughed and assured him nobody started out as the best. So you taught him a few of your tricks and the things you knew that worked for you, and eventually he became quite decent at drawing, so both will sometimes just spent a few hours sitting around the hut, drawing things.


While you sketch out your ideas, she will sit aside you, trying to guess what you're sketching. When she guesses right, she will excitedly high five you, cheering that she guessed it right and knows you so well. If you're out of equipment, she will immediately run to the market to go buy you the equipment you need.


He will buy you the best equipment. Obviously he loves when you paint/draw him. He will have your art hanged up, no matter if it is bad or good, it will hang up and if anyone has a problem with it, they are banished from the palace.


He will just sit farther away, sipping his wine, watching you being your weird self. At first he thought your drawings/paintings were weird, but when he got used to your style, he found them quite lovely. He even has the best ones you drew/painted hanging around.


He likes that you have a hobby. What he liked less is when you accidentally spilled paint on his fur. He almost punched you out of reflex, but luckily he remembered you're his lover so instead he stormed away to get the paint out his fur.

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