When you're falsely accused and sentenced to death

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Random thing I want to say: I love Nadia and Muriel's friendship. Nadia is always so nice and polite to Muriel and Muriel is very comfortable around her. I just find their friendship so cute and lovely. And especially during the Baywatch tale, it's such a wholesome friendship.


He immediately became a detective, trying to figure out who did it, gathering testimonies, inspecting the murder weapon. He was so hard at work, he sometimes forgot to eat and sleep which resulted in him sometimes fainting, but he refused to stop till you were out of that cell and back into his arms. When he was finally able to proof you are not guilty, he held you for hours, not letting go, so happy you are safe. Faust was also extremely happy, she also cuddled you for hours. When you told him how lonely and scary that cell was, he whispered it's okay while soothingly stroking your hair, saying you're free now and he's here so you have nothing to worry about.


She will focus on trying to find evidence you're innocent. When Vlastomil refused to help, she angrily said her lover is in a cell for a crime they didn't commit and you might even be executed, before she threatened to kill all his worms if he does not help. So obviously Vlastomil now helped her try to find evidence you're not guilty. When she had the proof, she was quick to storm to the judge. When you were released from your cell, she pulled you in a tight hug, whispering she is so sorry you had to go through that, giving your temple a few kisses before giving you a smile, saying in a soft and relieved voice that everything is okay now.


He knows how it feels, but if you're accused, he was quick to say fuck this town and go on the run with you. When you said you want to be proven innocent, he got an idea. He dragged you around to the places you were at the time of the murder, getting people to write down that they saw you and the time they saw you at with their signatures so you can show this paper of testimonies. When you were found not guilty, he picked you and happily twirled, giving you a sloppy but passionate kiss, happily singing you're not guilty before dragging you to the Rowdy Raven, laughing out this needs to be celebrated.


He definitely isn't gonna let you be executed, so he broke you out of jail. Nobody remembers him, so he just wrapped you in his cloak to hide you before he carried you home. When a guard asked him what he's carrying, he just glared before storming past. He kept you hidden in his hut. If you needed something, he went to town and got it for you. When you go outside, he will send Inanna with you so if a guard tries to arrest you, Inanna can distract the guard and you can run back to the hut.


She kept you hidden at her cottage. That was till Nadia came around. Portia tried to make up excuses as to why you aren't in jail and that you probably on the run since you're not guilty, but Nadia just chuckled and said she knows you're here before she assured Portia she knows you're not guilty so she will try her best to help. So Portia and Nadia tried to find evidence to prove your not guilty while you stayed at her place. When they had the evidence and you were proven not guilty, Portia was very excited and happy, hugging you every time she saw you and not letting go, saying


He laughed when the guards tried to take you, finding it funny they think they can just drag his lover to a cell. So after a lot of threats, you assured him it's okay and he will only make you look more guilty if he keeps threatening people. So he let them put you in the cell, but you got the cleanest cell with the best meals and many books to keep you busy. He angrily shouted at each courtier to get off their asses and help their count prove his lover's innocence or he will put them all on death row. When he finally got evidence you're not guilty, he laughed in the faces of everyone who said you're before he pulled you out of jail, very happy his lover is not falsely accused anymore.


When you were sentenced to death, he just stared at the judge with a "What the fuck did you just say?" look before he got up and angrily shouted that's false and the judge has ablsolutely no evidence to back this claim up. It was a very chaotic evening as you were dragged to jail and Valerius was shouting at the guards to let you go while arguing with the judge while trying his best not to choke the judge because that definitely won't fix anything. He didn't touch a drop of wine after that, having to be very focused on proving your innocence. You had never seen him so smug as the true murderer was put in jail and you were released. When you asked him how he found the true killer, he just hugged you, telling you not to worry about that and just enjoy your freedom.


He didn't give a fuck. His lover a murderer? Okay, that's cool, you can both enjoy the act of killing. When you told him you're not guilty, he pout and said his dream to kill together just got destroyed before he sighed and asked who cares since you live in his house and nobody would ever approach it so you're safe, only idiots come and he can easily trick them into a deal with him that results in them having to suffer for years on end. When you yelled you don't want to be accused of murder, he groaned but went to the person who actually committed the murder, scaring the person till they went and turned themselves in so you weren't accused of the crime anymore. When you thanked him, he just muttered stuff under his breath, unhappy he had to go through all that trouble and his lover doesn't want to go on a killing spree with him, before he cheered up when you gave him a kiss.

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