When you switch bodies due to a spell that went wrong

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Random reminder: The MC is written gender neutral so the MC is whatever gender you want them to be.

Requested by: yourunholychild


He tried a spell, and it backfired. When you panicked, asking what happened and why you are in his body, he calmed you down, telling you what happened and that it's his fault but he will undo it. While he searched the spell, he couldn't help but laugh at how confused Faust was. When you tugged his hair, saying he has very fluffy hair but has to learn to comb it because it has many knots, he chuckled and said he will keep that in mind. When you both returned to your own bodies, he made a few jokes about what happened.


She was very shocked when she woke up from her nap to find she was in your body. She tried to stay calm as she searched you. When she found you surrounded by a ton of people who kept calling you countess even when you nervously said you aren't, she politely asked them to leave because you, the countess, are very busy. When they left, she chuckled and asked if you are okay. While you searched the spell, she said she never thought this would happen and this feels very strange.


He nervously said not to do anything sexual to his body. While you searched the spell, he tried his best not to eye his new body, only to fail and look down at his new body, saying this is very bizarre. When you told him to stop eyeing your body, he was quick to look up, nervously apologizing. When you both returned to your own bodies, he let out a sigh and said he can finally look down again before he pat his body, making sure it's his body and his body is okay.


He became scared, he didn't know what to do, he didn't feel comfortable, he was very afraid and just wanted his body back. He was so scared he was close to having a panic attack, so you had to spend a long time assuring him it's okay and this was your doing and you are very sorry for it. When he was done panicking, he watched you flip through a spell book, frowning, wondering how you can possibly date someone as ugly and scary as him. When you undid the spell, he was very happy to be back in his body.


She excitedly said this is fun and so weird before going to Pepi and asking if he knows who the real Portia is. When you got the spell to undo this, she pout and said this is so fun though and first wants to go shopping in this body. So after she went to the market in your body, she returned and laughed that Asra gave her the weirdest look before she sighed and said this was fun but she's starting to miss her own body. When she got her own body back, she jokingly told you to make sure your spell won't go wrong again the next time you try to cast the spell.


He immediately began praising himself, circling around you, saying he's so fabulous. While you searched a spell to undo this, he was busy groping his new body, claiming he always wants to be inside you but this is not the way he meant, but he's not gonna complain because your body is fun to grope. When you told him to stop touching your body like that, he stuck out his tongue and groped your body even more.


He wanted to drink wine, but you said you don't need your insides to die so he better not drink while in your body. So he was grumpy as he sat on the sofa, impatiently tapping his foot, saying your body is weird and he wants his own back so he can have a damn drink, muttering in an annoyed tone that he has to suffer because you failed to cast a spell correctly.


He will immediately want his body back, angrily saying not to do anything weird in his body. When you gasped and said he has a tail while touching it and scratching his horns to see how it feels, he frowned and told you to stop touching his tail and horns before he stormed off to find a spell to undo this spell.

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