When you're angry

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He will find you amusing, but keep it to himself since he doesn't want to anger you anymore. He will pull you down to sit on his lap before asking what wrong is. So while you're angry explaining to him what wrong is, he will watch with a smile, finding your wild gestures funny. When your done explaining, he will say to forget what caused your anger and he will promise to take you to your favorite outside place and both will have a picnic there.


She will calmly sit aside you, asking what wrong is. Whle you angry explain your reason for this anger, she will stroke your hair in a soothing way and giving your temple a kiss to calm you down. When you finished explaining, she will assure you she will fix your problem before suggesting you should go do something relaxing.


He will tease you, poking your cheeks and calling you adorable. But when you throw with something or yell for him to quit before you break his fucking nose, he will be quick to hide and yell he is very sorry. When you calm down, he will slowly come out of hiding, asking if you're better now. He will just sit aside you, awkward silence before whispering he is sorry.


He will pick Inanna up, put her aside you so she could cuddle to you, before he sits down in front of you, pulling you down so you will also sit, then ask you what wrong is. While you angry yell at him nothing is wrong, he will just mumble clearly something is wrong. He will be nervous as you glare at him, but then be relieved when you begin explaining and not punch him like he thought you would. When he notices tears of frustration in your eyes, he will panic before pulling you on his lap and assuring you it's okay before giving you a kiss.


She will panic, unsure what's going on before asking you what's wrong ten times, which just angers you more. So when you yell for her to shut up, she will frown and say not to be rude to her even if you're mad. She will force you to sit down, give you your favorite drink, put Peppi on your lap, before crossing her arms and standing in front of you, asking what your deal is. After you finished explaining, she will hug you, stroking your head, and say she will help you fix your problem.


He will watch with amusement before pulling you on his lap, saying you are so adorable when mad. When you angry hit his chest, he will just laugh at how weak that punch was before teasing you about it, which just makes you more angry. When the joy of watching you being angry is finally away, he will sigh and tell someone to go solve your problem before picking you up and carrying you to the bedroom so he can either cuddle you with the two dogs or fuck you till you forget what was angering you and can only think of him and how amazing he is.


He will just stare as your angry pacing around, yelling about your problems, before sipping his wine. He loves watching drama, but watching you angry yelling is quite boring. But he will still lend you an ear you can rant to, that doesn't mean he remembers everything your saying though so don't expect to be able to talk about it the next day and have him remember every detail, he is more busy wondering how old his wine is.

The Arcana x Reader Scenarios {Book One} {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now