When you get a fit of laughter

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This is just a silly scenario I thought of when I thought of the times me and my older brother would watch movies only to say something dumb and laugh about this one dumb joke for the rest of the movie.


He can't help but also laugh, enjoying the sight of you laughing. When you apologize, he will shake his head, saying you don't have to apologize because this is funny. So he will watch you with Faust, laughing along as you have a fit of laughter.


She will with you with amused eyes, trying not to laugh as well, but fail and also begin laughing. She will curiously ask why you're laughing. When you explain your reason for laughing, she will chuckle, giving your temple a kiss, saying you can be so weird but amusing at times.


You once tripped and fell, injuring your knee. But instead of crying in pain, you began laughing while holding your knee, laughing out it hurts. Julian nervously laughed along, unsure what to do. When you finally stopped laughing, he nervously asked if you're okay now. You just started before laughing again which made him worriedly pat your shoulder before he picked you up, now less worried and also laughing along with you.


He will just worriedly stare, wondering if you're okay. When you cry out your body hurts from the laughing, he will massage the spot that hurts the most. He will be worried about you, but also enjoying the sight of you being your weird self. When you're finally done, he will give you worried eyes, asking you if you're okay.


She will chuckle, watching you, finding this adorable and funny. When you think you're done laughing and try to speak only to snort and begin laughing again, she will also begin laughing, finding this hilarious before she gives you a hug, finding you so adorable right now.


He will laugh along, enjoying this. If someone tries to tell him to focus on his work, he will glare at them before telling them to get lost because he's enjoying the sight of his lover being happy before he returns to watching you laughing, wondering what you're thinking that is causing you to giggle like this.


He will stare with a "what the hell is going on with you?" look before he sighed and poured two glasses of wine. One glass for you? Nope, two glasses for him, he needs it if he wants to be able to handle your weirdness. He will drink the wine, watching you having fits of laughter.


He will watch you with a grin, very amused. When you laugh out you don't want to laugh anymore because this is getting silly and embarrassing, he will smirk before licking your cheek. The shock of the sudden lick caused you to stop laughing and just stare at him with a "what the fuck" look, but he just chuckled, wiping your cheek, saying it worked to make you stop laughing.

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