Arc 6-282: Come with me

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In the following period of time, a phenomenon was discovered in the upper circles of the imperial capital.

The Li family, there seems to be something wrong with the first room and the second room of the Li family.

Well, maybe not just a little problem.

For example, the second room didn't know what they did, but they were rejected by the first room, and then separated.

It's not just the separation of the family, or in other words, the second room was abandoned and separated from the first room.

For a while, I don't know how many families were surprised. You must know that such a "separation" of a top family like them is really rare, especially now that the old man of the Li family is still there. Next, the two sons will separate, can the old man agree?

However, depending on the situation, the old man clearly agreed.

Even, this came from the hands of the old man?

It is precisely because of this that many imperial families are very puzzled and do not know what happened.

On the other side, in that large group, those dudes from the imperial capital left the imperial capital one by one.

Going to a remote small place was finally agreed by the family.

It is not noticeable that one family leaves one, but each family leaves one, and dozens or even hundreds of families act together at once. That's striking.

This phenomenon was directly put on the desks of some family heads. The heads stretched out their hands and squeezed the center of their eyebrows, and let out a long breath of foul air.

There is such a brat at home, I really want to be hung up and beaten.

However, thinking that other families also have bear children...very good, don't laugh at anyone else.

Bear kids, if only his own family has them, he will be dissatisfied, but if everyone has them, hehe, then he is balanced.

The young and outstanding heir of the family enters the study.

"Dad, the third child went out with the Zhang family and the Wang family this time. Will these bastards get into trouble when they meet?"

From this sentence, we can know how much the elder brother, as a dude, knows his younger brother.

The Patriarch thought for a while, and said calmly: "It's a small place, so there shouldn't be any problem."

It should be said, not absolutely no problem, which shows that the Patriarch himself is not sure.

The successor is not very optimistic, "Those bastards can make a lot of trouble, maybe even a small place can cause trouble."

The head of the family said slowly: "The time of confinement at home is too long, if it is longer, there may be even more trouble."

After all, the harder the pressure, the greater the rebound.

The heir was silent, and finally said nothing.

Thinking about it carefully, what his father said makes sense. Forget it, it's just a small remote place, that kind of place... If there is any problem, the family can solve it.


"Old Shao, are you sure there really is a Phoenix Mountain in this remote place? There is also a Phoenix on the mountain?"

On a luxurious off-road vehicle, the four young masters were all half lying on the chair without any image.

"I don't know, I heard from Lao Lu two days ago." Shao Tong took out the mobile phone from his pocket while talking.

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