Chapter 69

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The Next Morning - Umi's POV - Age 30 - Mom

I stir slightly and I feel two arms around me and I open my eyes slowly as I glance behind me to see Kakashi sleeping soundly and Kovu still under my head on the couch, I try moving, but I'm stuck. I just smile amused and Shiro walks in and looks at us.

"Good Morning Shiro." I say to him quietly as to not disturb Kakashi.

"Morning Mom." Shiro says and Akemi slowly walks in and climbs up onto the couch with Shiro's help.

"Good morning Akemi." I say to her with a smile and she sits on my side while Shiro gets on the couch and lays down in front me. "Still tired Shiro?" I ask him.

"Yeah." He says and falls asleep and Akemi falls asleep on top of me.

There goes my chances of ever getting up, oh well, if you can't beat them, join them.

I just smile amused and I slowly fall back to sleep.

That Afternoon.

"Carefully, don't wake her up." Kakashi says quietly to Shiro and Akemi.

I giggle and that startles the three. "Kakashi, I've been waking up on and off all morning to now to see if you guys had woken up yet. I was trapped by you guys." I say as I carefully set Akemi on the ground and I sit up and Kovu lays across my lap. "You know I didn't sit up for you to do that right?" I ask him and he just yawns.

"Mom, your in more higher spirits than usual." Shiro says to me.

"No, this is about right." Kakashi says leaning over the back of the couch. "She used to be this energetic before the last war and before she started having sleep problems, constant nightmares would keep her awake, it started when she was around 17, right?" Kakashi asks me and I nod.

"I do love to sleep, its one of my favorite things, but only when I know someone is there to keep me safe, in my old compound, I'd constantly worry about the Uchiha or Danzo trying to do something to me since I failed them, is what they probably still think, I was merely following orders to protect my brothers." I say and Kakashi nods.

"And Itachi did the same thing and now Sasuke is too, you can definitely see the family resemblance between these siblings." Kakashi says and I nod.

"Alright, who wants breakfast?" I ask with a cheerful smile.

"Its afternoon." Kakashi says to me chuckling amused.

"So? I'll have you know, having breakfast for lunch or dinner is quite popular and delicious." I say to him as I carefully move Kovu off me. "Also, Kakashi, guess who I saw yesterday." I say to him, way too happy.

"Who?" Kakashi asks me.

"Guess." I say to him.

"Sasuke? Like you have been around him for a while now." Kakashi says to me.

"Nope, true, I was around Sasuke for a while, mostly because he didn't want me to come home yet, he was enjoying our time together, but, two other people and a ninken partner." I say to him and he looks at me confused.

"Who?" Kakashi asks me.

I sigh. "Your hopeless Kakashi, I saw Taiyo, Kasei and Tasu yesterday." I say and he stares at me shocked.

"Seriously?" Kakashi asks and I nod.

"And Kasei and Taiyo are getting married." I say as I pick Akemi up and I hand her to Kakashi.

"Seriously?" Kakashi asks me and I nod again.

"And Taiyo wants me to be her Mother at the ceremony since I was the one who basically took care of her as a kid." I say to him.

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