Chapter 54 Chapter 3 of Umi's Story

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Very Early Next Morning - Umi's POV - Age 17 - Jonin

I stand in the training grounds, breathing a little heavy, covered in sweat as I stare ahead at the training dummy and I go back to training with it in Tai-Jutsu and after a hour of so, I stop and I jog around Konoha a few times and I head back home and I walk into the kitchen, breathing heavily as I grab myself a drink of water and Mother walks in.

"Your up early, as usual." Mother says to me.

I lean on the counter, trying to regain my breath. "Morning." I manage to say and she sweat drops.

"You were training." Mother says to me.

"Have too, contest today, can't anytime else." I say between a few breaths and I finish drinking my water and I wash my cup and put it away.

"Well, go shower and change, I'll make breakfast." Mother says to me.

"Ok." I say to her and I walk to my room where I grab a dark blue tank top with the Uchiha crest on the back and black leggings. I walk into my bathroom and I shower and change into those clothes and I blow dry my hair and tie it up. I tie my Village Headband around my neck and I walk into the dinning room where Father and Itachi are.

"Your up late." Father comments.

"On the contrary Father, I woke up around 5 this morning and trained myself." I say to him.

I sit in my seat next to Itachi as Father eyes me for a second an see's I'm a little worn out, but doesn't say anything further.

Was that enough to wear me down during the fight against Itachi? I need to exert some more chakra I believe, I'll ask Kakashi to help with that, my first chakra reserve isn't fully depleted yet.

Mother brings in breakfast and we eat, once I finish I excuse myself and I walk to the door and I put my sandals on and I head out and Itachi follows me.

I look at him. "Itachi, did you want something?" I ask him.

"When does the contest start?" Itachi asks me.

"11." I say and he nods.

"Where are you going?" Itachi asks me.

I smile at him. "Just some daily routine, I have to check in with Lord Hokage, visit the academy, find Kakashi and what not." I say and Itachi nods and leaves me and I see a foundation member following him.

My eye twitches slightly before I take a breath in and I let it out, calming down and I put my hands in the pockets of my leggings and I walk to the Hokage office and I knock.

"Come in."

I walk in and Lord Hokage and Danzo look at me and I just give a closed eyed smile as I walk in and suddenly Lord Hokage becomes uncomfortable looking at my smile.

"Ah, Umi." Danzo says with a smirk and I pull out a kunai and point it at Danzo who stiffens and my face falls dead serious.

"Danzo, get your pets away from my brothers, I saw one follow Sasuke on his way back home and then earlier I saw one following Itachi." I say to Danzo and Lord Hokage eyes me for a second.

"Umi, I'm just taking precautions." Danzo says and I throw the kunai and it cuts his cheek on its way past and lodges into the wall, startling Danzo.

"Precautions my ass, get your pets away from my brothers, I won't ask again, and if I see them following my brothers today, the Foundation will be stormed and you'll be the reason it happened." I say to Danzo as I grab my kunai and I walk out of the room, putting the kunai back into my hair.

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