Chapter 58 Chapter 7 of Umi's Story

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A Week Later - Umi's POV - Age 17 - Jonin

I walk back into the Leaf Village and Izumo looks up.

"Your back." Izumo comments.

I nod. "And I severely need a nap, but first, I have a couple hundred questions for Lord Hokage." I say and Izumo nods.

"Your curiosity is something, having that many questions after one escort mission." Izumo says to me.

I nod. "Yeah, well see ya." I say and he nods.

I head up to the Hokage office and I knock.

"Come in."

I walk in and Lord Hokage looks at me as I stand across from him with my hands in my pockets. "Princess Hisui is back in Fiore." I say and he nods. "By the way, Makorov of the Fairy Tail Guild, says hello." I say to him and he chuckles.

"Ask your questions." Lord Hokage says to me.

I ask him a couple more questions and he answers them for the most part and then I leave.

I walk down the road and Kakashi joins me.

"You don't seem to be in a foul mood today." Kakashi says to me. "You also look tired." Kakashi says to me and I nod.

"Yeah, I haven't slept in a couple days." I say and we end up at his place where I lay on the couch and Kakashi sits on the chair, he reads while I sleep.

After a while I get shaken slightly and I wake up.

"You want to head home now?" Kakashi asks me as I sit up.

"Yeah, thanks Kakashi." I say and he nods as I get up and I do a hand sign, appearing in my room where Father is waiting and I look at him, way too tired to even care he's in my room.

"Umi." Father says to me.

"Father." I say as I remove my pouches and my ninja sandals.

"Where have you been?" Father asks me.

"Mission." I say to him as I grab a pair of my pajama's and I walk into my bathroom where I take a hot shower and I change into my dark blue long sleeve with the Uchiha crest on the back and my black pajama pants and I walk out of my bathroom while braiding my wet hair and I see Father still there waiting, not so patiently I might add.

Father starts talking to me as I sit at my desk and I get to work on writing my reports. "Are you even listening?" Father asks me.

"Yeah, yeah, your shaming me for losing to Itachi, your saying how proud you were of me and what not." I say as my eyes start to get heavy and I prop my head up with my fist as I write.

"Yeah, I had high hopes for you and you gave that match up." Father says to me.

I flinch slightly at that. "Its not like I had a choice from the beginning anyways." I say and he grumbles. "People always say, that just like flowers who can't choose where they bloom, kids can't choose their Fathers, in this world, pressure is common among the families who are the leaders of a clan, its not a secret, I've just had enough with the extra pressure for being the Clan heiress, I was supposed to be married by 19, lead the clan, follow the rules and be, perfect, well I don't want to marry just yet, I can't lead a couple hundred people at the same time, I don't always follow the rules and I'm not perfect, I can't handle that much stress either, I'm human, not a machine like you want me to be." I say as I write and once I finish writing my reports I turn them over and I just listen to him talk as I close my eyes.

"Don't fall asleep just yet." Father says to me.

I reluctantly open my eyes again and I watch him rant as I get up. "Father, if you don't mind, I'd like to go to sleep, I've had a shitty month and I've barely been able to get a good sleep." I say to him and he eyes me for a second to see I'm dead inside right now and he nearly flinches at that and he leaves my room. I lay on my side on my bed and I leave the covers off me and I fall asleep.

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