Chapter 33

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A Little While Later - Umi's POV - Age 27 - Jonin/Mother

Shiro runs into the tent me, Sakura, Shizune and Lady Tsunade are and hugs me. "Mom! There's strange people in the village!" Shiro says as he hides behind me.

I look at him confused. "Strange people? What did they look like?" I ask him and Sakura leans over and listens.

"They were tall and intimidating, two had dark skin and the other had whiter skin than me, one of the dark skinned people was a girl with red hair while the other a boy with white hair, like Dad's, but short and not gravity defying, then the pale white person was a girl, she had blonde hair and had a similar build to you Mom." Shiro says to me as he shakes slightly.

I turn around and put my hand on his head with a smile. "Those are Cloud Ninja, the blonde woman was Samui I believe, I could be totally wrong, and then the two dark skinned are Karui and Omoi." I say and he nods and calms down and Samui walks in and I turn to look at her. "Speak of the devil, hello Samui." I say with a closed eyed smile.

"Umi." She says curtly and I get up and Shiro hides behind my leg.

"It's ok Shiro, she's not gonna hurt you." I say to him with a smile and he nods slowly but stays where he's at. "Is there a particular reason your here Samui?" I ask her as I cross my arms over my chest to look at her.

She looks down at me and her eye twitches as I wear a smirk with calm but joy filled eyes. "Where is your current leader? I must give them a letter from the Raikage." She asks me and I frown.

"I'd rather not be in his presence, but, follow me, Shiro, go find your father, he should be somewhere with Guy, you can find Guy easily, just remember." I say and he nods.

"Loud person yelling youth." Shiro says to me and I nod.

"Kakashi can keep an eye on you, I have a few things I need to do." I say and Shiro nods and runs off. "Shit, I forgot to tell him to tell Kakashi to pick up dinner." I say and Sakura smiles amused. "Alright, come on Samui." I say and she nods and follows me to the current Hokage Building and we walk in and Danzo looks at us. I cross my arms over my chest and I stand there with a calm look. "Samui wishes to speak to you about a matter concerning something." I say to him and he nods.

"Well then." He says and Samui hands him a letter and he reads it over. "I approve of the Raikage hunting and killing Sasuke Uchiha, you may gather any information you need on him." Danzo says to her and he smirks at me.

I stay calm and I make a hand sign and I appear in my training grounds. I sigh and look around, remembering when me and Kakashi trained here as Genin. "Alright, Tai-Jutsu." I say to myself and I walk over to a wooden dummy and I start training in Tai-Jutsu, getting each vital point on the dummy with me acting as if it were human.

After a while someone runs into the the clearing and I look over at Ru and Kiba who have Kiki and Akamaru behind them.

"Umi-Sensei, thank Kami we found you." Ru says as she stands there breathlessly.

"What's wrong?" I ask, already guessing what they're gonna say next.

"The new Hokage Danzo has given the approval of the Raikage killing Sasuke." Kiba says to me.

"I know." I say and the two stare at me as I turn back to my training dummy. "I can only sit on the sidelines, Sasuke is a rouge, Lord Raikage has full right to kill him now. Even if I disagree and fight, there's nothing I can do unless I want to be labeled a rouge or killed for treason. I don't like it, not one bit, Danzo is purposely doing this to me for every time I've foiled his plans a few times before, and now, I'm forced on the sidelines." I say and they frown.

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