Chapter 67 Chapter 16 of Umi's Story

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A Few Weeks Later - Umi's POV - Age 20 - Jonin

I walk to the Uchiha compound to see Sasuke waiting. "Hey Sasuke." I say bending down with a smile to look at him.

"You came!" Sasuke says shocked.

"Of course, if its you or Itachi, I'll always come to help or spend time." I say to him and I hear a hmp.

I look over to see Father.

"Oh, you, nice to see you Father, I didn't think you would be here." I say in a calm tone.

"Umi, why are you here?" Father asks me.

"Sasuke wanted me to walk him to school today." I say to Father and Sasuke nods.

"I was going to walk him today." Father says and I stand up to look at Father in the eye.

"I'm not gonna be cut off from my brothers, Father." I say to him in a calm tone. "I will walk Sasuke to school, and you can walk him back, does that sound fair?" I ask and Father nods.

"Fine." Father says and leaves.

I smile down at Sasuke. "Come on, Sasuke." I say to him and Sasuke nods.

I walk him to the academy and I leave once he's inside.

"Hm." I say as I walk and think, not really noticing the silver haired Jonin and the black haired ANBU and a raven haired ANBU, sneaking up behind me.


I jump and look to see the three laughing, I scowl and pout.

"Jerks." I say and that makes Itachi, Kakashi and Shisui laugh more.

I roll my eyes I start walking again, ignoring them.

"Mission complete." Kakashi says and I roll my eyes again.

Boys will be boys.

I see a bird circling above me. "Huh, that's odd, I usually get Mondays off." I say and that catches the three guy's attention. I walk to the Hokage office and I knock.

"Come in."

I walk in. "You wanted me Lord Hokage?" I ask.

"Yes, I have a mission for you, it's a special request and I can't turn it down." Lord Hokage says and I nod. "I know today is your day off, but you need to take this mission. Also, take your students with you, something is about to go down and I sent a request to the Village of the Hidden Cloud where you are going to leave them there." Lord Hokage says and my eyes widen.

"What?" I ask him and he sighs.

"I know, but the Uchiha are getting more and more restless and Kasei, Taiyo and Tasu are a team, they work well with each other, and I don't know what's going to happen during the time that your gone." Lord Hokage says to me.

I sigh. "Good things sure don't last long do they?" I ask and Lord Hokage nods in agreement. "Fine, I'm going." I say and he nods and I walk out of the room.

I walk to my apartment and I walk in to see Taiyo reading and I frown sadly.

"Taiyo, pack your things." I say to her and she looks up slightly afraid as I look down. "I'm taking you, Kasei and Tasu to the Hidden Cloud village where you three will be safe, Lord Hokage's orders, since something is about to go down with the Uchiha and the village." I say and her eyes widen as I pull my headband down over my eyes. "I know its unfair that you have to leave, but we have no choice, you'll be trained in the Hidden Cloud Village become Shinobi of that village, you'll be aloud to keep your headband for memory sake, but you'll be Cloud Shinobi and no longer my students." I say to her.

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