A Disappointed Husband

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John decided to stay home because Thea did not look like herself the night before

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John decided to stay home because Thea did not look like herself the night before. Dinner went very well, and Parson would be John's first client, and as he was known to everybody in England, John was sure many more would come to work with him after the word was out.

"Poppy, please dress Mrs Pine in a bright morning dress. I wish to take her out today." Poppy was unsure if going out would be the best thing to do. She did not think her mistress would lift her spirits by going out and seeing all the society staring at her. And Thea panicked inside when he took her hand and walked them to the main entrance but calmed down when he said they would be going to the London Palace.

The grounds were immense, and they had a lake inside it, John made sure they took a turn on it, and Thea told him her favourite places there. They had a picnic outside, and after it, John went to look for the Duke while Thea went to help the gardeners.

"I will leave Thea here with you, Your Grace. My mother sent a note last night wishing to speak to me. And on my way back, I must stop at the bank to see if Lord Parson's man has delivered all the documents."

Philip smiled. He was happy with the deal John had stricken with the Viscount. "I am very happy for you, Jonathan. You are doing very well at the bank. Charlie is very impressed with the work you are doing there and your new ideas. I am pleased you forced her out of the house. You can go run your errands Archie and Hugh shall arrive soon and will be happy to see her here."

John called for the carriage and laughed, seeing Thea running after the dogs in the garden. On the ride to his father's house, he was delighted that his mother had reached out. He had not seen his family in a while, and they did not try to contact him. "Good day, mother." Without saying a word, she gave him an invitation to a ball.

"I was not going to invite you as you are so ungrateful, but your brother is a very kind man and was sorry for your wife not being invited anywhere anymore and forced me to." John looked at the invitation and smiled. That would be their first ball as a married couple. John would be delighted to find out if he would have the same effect on Thea's body as he did the only time they danced. "Thank you, mother. Thea will be pleased with the invitation."

His mother narrowed her eyes. "I have conditions for her coming to my house. Here is another invitation for her to deliver to Earl Crawford. I know she is helping him to find a good match. I want her to ensure he is coming to our ball and favouring your sister. We are living in this place far from everything, and your sister has not secured a match yet." The last thing John wanted was for Thea to reach out to Crawford and ask him for any favours. Besides, he was sure the place they were leaving was not why Lizzy was not wedded yet.

"The Duke and his sons should also come, Jonathan, your sister, needsa good match this season, and I want some of the jewellery you had inherited and given to your wife. Your sister and I should wear those at the party." John could not do that. He had apologised for how rude he was when he first saw her wearing them and had given them back to Thea. He took a deep breath. "Mother. I will need to speak to my wife."

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