An Impressive Discovery

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Lord Clifford was waiting for Jonathan's verdict and found his son too quietly for his liking

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Lord Clifford was waiting for Jonathan's verdict and found his son too quietly for his liking. Jonathan decided to consider the Earl's advice but thought it would be impossible. He had never even been introduced to the lady and was sure that after the Palace's ball. She already had many marriage proposals to consider.

"Well, it sounds a dream coming true for any gentleman, my lord, but I am not sure about even if the Duke would receive me for a call. My family was never invited to the lady's coming out ball. She does not even know me. I am sure she is high on her tower with many suitors and proposals at this stage. I am a nobody to her." 

Harry started to laugh, sparking everybody's attention.

"What are you laughing about, Harry?" Jonathan asked raising and eyebrow. 

He smirked at Jonathan. "You are thinking too little of yourself, my friend. I know for a fact that the lady in question has the utmost respect for you." Harry knew he should have kept his mouth shut. A gentleman should never discuss a lady's affection bluntly like that. But the opportunity was too good to pass. Harry only knew it because he saw his friend Lord Hyde replying to her letter.

"What are you mean, son? Does Lady Parker have caught feelings for Jonathan?" The Earl asked surprised. 

Harry nodded. "That is exactly what I am saying, father." 

The three men grinned. And Lord Clifford was quick to add. "That is an excellent thing, Jonathan. The Duke desires a love match for his daughter. That was all the ton could gossip about in the ballroom. The chit is already in love with you. You have an advantage over the other proposals. I am sure the Duke will not dismiss his daughter's attraction to you before giving it into consideration."

The Earl called for a glass of good port wine. A cup of tea would no longer be adequate for this conversation. "The Duke will receive you much better than he did your father and brother, Jonathan. And might not dismiss you so early into the conversation." 

Again, another thing the Earl was saying about his family that Jonathan knew nothing about it. "What do you mean, Sir?"

The Earl frowned. That was all the ton talked about a few weeks ago. "You do not know? When your brother and father were in London a month ago, they called on the Duke with a marriage proposal between Lord Pine and Lady Parker. Lord Belford wanted to put his foot forward ahead of the other proposals the Duke would receive when the season started. Everybody knew Lady Parker had bloomed into an exquisite lady and would be high on the marriage market after her presentation."

Jonathan gulped his port, feeling the liquid burn his throat. If Nigel were in the looks for the lady, he would no longer have a horse in that race. It would upset his father. "And what did the Duke say, Sir?" Jonathan finally dared to ask.

"The Duke dismissed them in less than two minutes. He said he was not there to indulge anything between your brother and his only daughter. But Jonathan, the Duke might think differently of you if he finds out Lady Parker has feelings for you. You must know you are a better gentleman than your brother."

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