All The Right Moves

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John was happily working in the bank

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John was happily working in the bank. They had an incredible evening, and Thea even instructed Burton about his clothes. She wanted him perfect to call on the Viscount. He smiled and whispered. "My little wife thinks about everything." He looked at the wrapped gift on his desk that she did with so much care for him, and warmth flooded his chest. Every day he was more and more enchanted by her.

John decided it was time to stop daydreaming and call on Viscount Parson. When he got to the Parson House, the new butler received him, and after going inside with John's introduction card, he returned saying the Viscount was rather too busy and Mister Pine should return another time. Immediately John thought about Thea's advice to get creative like the Greeks.

John straightened himself and looked the butler in the eyes. He needed to display confidence. "Tell Viscount Parson I have brought him something for the ancient Roman Empire. I am sure he shall be able to accommodate my visit today." And a few minutes later, John was shaking hands with the Viscount in his study. "Mister Pine, what an unexpected visit. I did not know we had anything scheduled for today."

John smiled and gave him the box. "We did not, Viscount Parson, but I had brought you a gift from Paris, and I think you will be very pleased." Thea told him he should never lie to the man to get his favour. Jonathan should be clever in how he spoke to him about the gift. John should not say he had acquired it for him. John did not know about his hobby. They were not friends, and Parson would see the lie and would not trust him with his money.

Parson looked at the light blue lace decorating the small box and smiled. He knew Thea had done it. She always had attention, even to small details. Looking at John, he raised an eyebrow in question. They were the same age, but Parson was more accomplished in life than him. John felt anxious inside but could not show it. And with a confident voice, he answered the question that Parson had not fully asked. "Mrs Pine wrapped those for me this morning, my lord."

With a playful smile on his lips, Parson nodded. Of course, he was right. It had to be Thea. "How is Mrs Pine? Did she enjoy the nuptials in Paris? She has loved that place since she was a little girl. Her eyes shine talking about it. John could only fake a smile. He could not tell the man he was trying to pursue the business that Thea only had a few days of enjoyment in her favourite place. The rest was suffering because of him.

"I must tell you, Mister Pine. I was not pleased when I read The Times's announcement of her engagement with you. You have acquired yourself an excellent match. She is a diamond in every way." John was unsure if he felt insulted or happy with the man's comment. But one thing he would not let happen again was allowing his mind to bring him to a dark place because someone wanted to marry his wife. Thea was an accomplished lady, and John would no longer resent her. He should be proud of her.

When Parson opened the box, he went quickly to get his magnifying glass. He could not believe his eyes. Four coins were lying inside it, two from each Empire, and Parson looked again to John. "I take you do not have those in your collection." John smiled. He knew that had opened the door for him.

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